Restore The Glory of Pantomime (English Version)

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Pantomime is a kind of theater that developed in ancient Roman times and is often used in religious rituals with a general story surrounding from Greek Mythology. Pantomime is a theatrical performance using gestures or mime and gestures as dialogue. In essence pantomime is a theatrical performances that put forward the play or comedic action by using gestures or facial expression and also gestures.

According to Harymawan, Pantomim understanding is one form of art that will lead someone into a quality cast. By understanding and training Pantomime then the actor candidate will be able to be perfect in his profession, he will at least be pleasing to the eye if you want to practice Pantomim

When viewed from the development, there are 4 figures that popularized the art of this one. Let's see!

1. Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin

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mungkin anda mengenalnya dengan nama Charlie Chaplin. Ya. ia adalah seorang aktor pantomim yang sangat dikenal didunia karena film-film dan pertunjukan-pertunjukan pantomimnya pada era film bisu. ia mendunia karena film The Tramp. Chaplin lahir di Inggris (16 April 1889) dan meninggal di Swiss (25 September 1977). Selama Perang Dunia I ia menghabiskan hidupnya di Amerika.

2. Marcel Mangel

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Born in Straousbourg, France March 22, 1923 and died in Cahors, September 22, 2007. Marcel Mangel or Marcel Marceau or Mime Marceau is one of the few pantomime artists ever to perform in Indonesia. He dedicated his life to pantomime and develop it in all corners of the world and their works influenced the development of modern art, such as the creation moonwalking techniques used by Michael Jackson.

3. Pablo Zibes

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Pablo Zibes is also a Pantomimer who was born in 1971. Until now he has lived in Germany since 1995. Pablo Zibes success in the world Pantomime not be separated from his experience ventured in the streets of europe and asia. In his show Pablo Zibes often combines Pantomime, Clowns, and Visual Comedy.

4. Septian Dwi Cahyo
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Do not stay silent, Indonesia was trying to colonize the world of this pantomime. Yes. As you know in Indonesia there is also a pantomime character named Septian Dwi Cahyo which is much inspired by Marcel Marceau.
The man who came from Jakarta and was born on September 4, 1968 has been active in pantomime since 1980 when the world pantomime was soaring high in Indonesia along with Trend Breakdance. So do not be surprised if most Pantomim in Indonesia combine between these two arts.

Maybe there are other pantomime figures please add in the comment field, the steemian!
Good evening all !!!!
Warmest Regards from Me!

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