My Daughter My Khushi

We all grow old and in the end, we all die. We come here in this world as travellers and we depart after completing this journey.

My journey had been full of stress, sorrows, grief and frustration until I experienced motherhood. I used to stand in front of the mirror and would look at myself. I sometimes felt bad upon looking at the stretch marks and swell of my stomach. It was a very depressing phase of my life.

Carrying another living human in your body brings emotional changes in women. It is the mixture of all emotions but when I gave birth to my angel and the moment when I looked at her for the first time exposed a new emotion in me. The emotion of being a mother. In a fraction of a second, the whole world changed around me.

I gave birth to my beautiful daughter but I was thankful to god and felt myself at receiving end. No, I did nothing but my daughter did everything for me by coming to this world and giving me an opportunity to Mother her. She is the one who will stay here when I shall depart. She is the one who will extend my life by keeping me alive in her memories. She is the one who is going to keep me "Alive"

My Daughter My Khushi

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