Determination: One Goal at a Time and The Next Objective Will Be Mine


I Take All My Steemit Milestones and Goals Very Serious

I don't know about you but personally I am a very die hard and determined type of guy. I was just eyeing my wallet a few minutes ago so excited to see I finally reached over 700 Steem Power saved back. For some this may be a drop in the bucket but for me its a lot due to the fact I came in here with nothing...all that SP is purely hard work, sweat, and eye popping headaches from countless hours sitting in front of my pc screen. But I am not satisfied, its a nice milestone on a personal level but far from where I plan to go with Steemit.

Throughout this post I will insert a bunch of motivational quotes about determination, in hopes to drive you guys with me on the way up to the top. I am not in this to do it alone so lets all get there together and bless those at the bottom wanting to climb up where we find ourselves. This is a community and we should always remember to honor those new and fresh in our family...pick up those who fight the good fight to better their situation and their families life.


I have stuggled a lot in life but its clear to me the path before begins with my work here in Steemit. Some days I may not make a huge success here with everyone, some days the earnings literally suck but that inner determination tells me there is always the next article so I put forward constant effort with my bigger picture goals. My goals maybe weird or different to than yours but they are my own and hopefully a noble one enough. To rise to the top for me means being able to carry out heavier weighted upvotes, so I can encourage guys like myself to believe in their work and talents.

My drive to the top is not about the riches, those are nice bonuses to have but mainly I am a man on a mission to change the world and stand up to the corruptions abound all over this planet. Little guys like me literally get stepped on by life sometimes, doesn't matter if your born with talent or have something to good to contribute, sometimes your just not blessed with a position to be seen due to your status in society. My aim is to help change that with my rise up, to keep that goal in mind to help as many people as I can. Once again pure unadulterated determination is strong on me lately.


Right now my goal is to first get to my hugest milestone ahead, to sacrifice even more and put back enough to get to 1000 Steem Power. I believe this is reasonable seeing I made it to 700 in a month of just blogging away, and I believe this will be the starting point where my votes can nudge some help on others.

In life you have to set yourself some mini goals and mine are all laid out here with Steemit already. First I provide you guys the best I can do with the content, I already told myself if I am having a crappy day and not up to par there is no reason I should waste my readers time with junk so I carefully think out what I post every day. Second, there is no comment left with not a response. There is no reason I should ever think I am above anyone who takes the time to engage in conversation here and that is the true beauty of Steemit...we are a social community so I try my best to never miss a soul that engages my posts.

The biggest goal I have is to stick it out and get myself where I can be a huge help to others. Get the info out where I think people need awakening or important heads up on serious topics. Little humor to not bore the piss out of you and most of all, do all I can for those that ask for help. No one is beneath me, no one is above me...I am just a man like anyone else so its my duty to help where I can.

Determination is a big part of making this a success. I not only want success for myself but for you as well. So we all have crappy days, maybe not earned what we thought we should for the day here, but we just need to brush that negativity off and push on so tomorrow will be a better day.


If you get discouraged about your direction or think you can't do it. Here is something about me you may not know. I get my determination and stubbornness from a lot of hardships in life. but each and every one of those hardships were a blessing in disguise. You can't have the best life ahead without learning from your lessons in life. So maybe the struggles are just there to prepare you for the greatness that lies ahead. Don't get discouraged, don't give up, just get in there and push that rock up that mountain to the top!


Follow me @sflaherty

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