Thoughts on Chris Farrell's 34 Things He's Learned About Life

I don't know about you, but I'm a complete sucker for those 'things I've learned about life' lists that people make. I love wisdom, and I love to hear people's thoughts about their most important life lessons. On January 1st I received an email from internet marketing dude Chris Farrell containing his own list of 34 life lessons. 

I re-read it again last week and thought I'd share my own perspective. Of Chris' 34 Things, there are 5 that stand out for me. I've reproduced the original list below – you might want to scroll down and read that first.   

#4: If something continually feels like a lot of work - it's probably something you shouldn't be spending time on.

This is an important point: if you're doing work that's boring/hateful this is a clear signal that you're going against your core values. The solution? Do what very few people ever do: take your time and think deeply about what your core values actually are – get really clear about them. Then, begin to organise your life around them (not necessarily an easy task, I know).   
#5: Good mental health is the most important thing you can master. (And #19: Nothing can harm you more than your own unguarded thoughts)

Good mental health is something you can master. You don't have to tolerate every self-defeating thought pattern that sets up camp in your mind (and is likely just a bad thinking habit you acquired years ago without realising it).   

I think of it as practising good mental hygiene. It's not about adopting some kind of artificial ra-ra positive-thinking mindset. It's simply about becoming aware of your thoughts – your thinking habits – then replacing negative ones with constructive/positive/realistic ones. Is this easy? No – it takes time and patience, but it's a habit of champions.
#10: Everybody is winging it.

Good point: don't assume that other people have things figured out better than you. Cluelessness and poor judgement can affect anyone (and believe me, I speak from experience!). There are people who, on the surface, can appear to be very 'together' but in fact have lives that are to some degree or other a car crash.   

Reminds me of an anecdote I heard years ago: a motivational speaker knew of another motivational speaker who spoke on wealth and financial health. This 'wealth guru' was in fact struggling financially and having to borrow money!   
#18: Stretch for 5 minutes every morning.

This is timely for me: about a month ago (after months of procrastinating over it) I began to do a short stretching routine every morning. About 2 weeks into it I began to feel better overall, plus I had more energy. I didn't initially put 2 and 2 together, then I realised (doh!): it's the stretching.      
#28: How you do something is how you do everything. 

Great little insight. Not strictly true, of course. But I think the way in which people approach things can be very telling. A conscientious or neglectful attitude towards the small things (in my experience, at any rate) tends to be reflected in a similar attitude towards bigger things.   

Well, that's my 2.c worth. Which of Chris' 34 truisms resonate most with you? Do share your thoughts in the comments below.   

34 Things I Have Learned About Life - by Chris Farrell

1: Nobody feels like an adult. It's the worlds dirty secret

2: Be kind. Everybody is fighting their own battles….

3: Pizza and ice cream will make you tired the next day

4: If something continually feels like a lot of work - it's probably something you shouldn't be spending time on

5: Good mental health is the most important thing you can master

6: You are only old when your dreams are replaced by regrets

7: Don't be reckless with people's hearts. Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours

8: It's better to be at the bottom of a ladder you want to climb -- that half way up one you don't

9: Dance often

10: Everybody is winging it

11: Nobody is earning as much as you think they are

12: The challenges you are going through right now, will pass

13: ...they will be replaced with new challenges

14: Never, ever, say to someone 'you look tired'

15: Accept invitations. Say yes more. Say hi to the world a little more

16: Go one place every year that's new

17: Drink 2 liters of water a day

18: Stretch for 5 minutes every morning

19: Nothing can harm you more than your own unguarded thoughts

20: Get out of your comfort zone. That's where all the magic happens

21: People change. You will be a different person in 10 years. So will other people. The secret is to embrace this change - not fight it

22: As of immediate effect, put your health as priority #1  

23: As of immediate effect, never speak ill of someone not present to defend themselves

24: Be Impeccable with your word. If you say something - do it.

25: We all get paid for how much value we bring to the marketplace. So if you want more money, become more valuable

26: Make your bed every morning

27: It’s nice to be important. But it’s important to be nice

28: How you do something is how you do everything

29: Have one meal that you are a master at creating

30: Don’t be lazy with your language. Effective communication is the most important skill you can learn

31: As much as possible, replace ‘I’ and ‘me’ in conversation with ‘you’

32: Learn something new every day. And write it down in your ‘Learning Journal’ (coz you won't remember it otherwise...)

33: Social comparison is the thief of happiness

34: See #22 above…

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