4 Reasons Why ESFP's Love Star Wars

Now, you're probably wondering: what the heck is an ESFP?

Briefly, it's one of the 16 personality types outlined in MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). To give a quick thumbnail sketch of an ESFP (AKA 'The Entertainer'), they're...

Cheerful, spontaneous, quick, sociable, observant, talkative, fun-loving, accepting of others, and generally very easy to be around.

So what's the connection with Star Wars?

Well, I've known quite a few ESFP's over the years, and a common thread I've noticed is that they almost universally love all things Jedi. Not all of them, of course, but it's such a common theme that it got me thinking about exactly why Star Wars appeals to them so much (and I'm talking here mainly of the original movie).

I think it comes down to these four elements:

1. It's bouncy and fast-paced

If you're with an ESFP socially, perhaps the ultimate crime you can commit is to be boring. This goes for forms of entertainment, too.

ESFP's (like all extroverts) love (indeed need) stimulation. They like to bounce from one source of stimulation to another.

If something isn't interesting to them, their eyes quickly glaze over and – the horror of it! - they become bored. Not good. Keeping the viewer's attention is a key area in which Star Wars delivers.

In terms of it's pace and it's balance between action and quieter moments, even the harshest critic would have to say that it's a well crafted story.

There are no serious flat spots and it bowls along at a fair pace – meaning the viewer is never bored.

2. It's full of novelty and cool design

Here's something you really need to know about ESFP's: they LOVE novelty. And anyone who loves novelty (especially visual/design novelty) is going to love Star Wars.

I would go as far as to say that Star Wars could be seen as one long series of novelties strung together by an engaging storyline.

From lightsabers, to C3PO and R2D2, to Chewbacca, to the storm troopers, to the beaten up-looking hardware, and many other things, SW delivers a veritable smorgasbord of visual novelties and cool design.

3. It has depth without being too serious

Star Wars, on one level, is just a fairly light-weight action adventure tale – it was never Oscar material. But old Obi-Wan had a trick up his massive sleeves...

Namely, The Force. The inclusion of The Force in the story gives it added depth – a bit of profundity that's obviously lacking in your standard sci-fi action movie.

This elevates it above other movies in this genre, but – crucially for ESFP's – it's not so weighty that it becomes a serious (i.e. boring) film (perish the thought!).

Even novelty-seeking ESFP's appreciate a story with some depth, but not too much - on the whole, they prefer to keep things light.

4. R2D2

He is of course a novelty item. But he's also cute – and ESFP's (the ones I've known, at least) love anything cute. And they love dogs.

Which explains R2D2's primary appeal: he's basically a canine substitute:

He's a loyal sidekick, a faithful servant who follows his master (C3PO) like a bleeping, chirping techno-puppy (and unlike the real thing, won't pee on his master and make his innards rust or short-circuit!).

That's another thing: his bleeps and chirps are quick, bright and cheerful – much like an ESFP.

So there you have it: the 4 reason why I believe Star Wars has such universal appeal among ESFP's. Do you agree? Are the ESFP's in your life confirmed Jedi's? Indeed, are you an ESFP who feels The Force very strongly?

Do share your thoughts in the comments below, and thanks for reading. Oh, and may The Force Be With You :)  

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