I Discorvered Some Of My Potentials Via Steemit!

Hey guys,

First of all I'd love to define Potential in my own little way :

PONTENTIAL simply means unused success, untapped strength, reserved power,hidden talents and dominant ability.

I always have this at the back of my mind that "Don't doubt yourself, you are more than enough"This life you & i live is too short for us to petrify ourselves with doubts.

Sometime before i heard about steemit, i use to doubt my capability to blog or to write about anything, but steemit has somehow help me to discover that area of me heheheh!


While waiting for me to be approved, the first thing i did was "I made a responsive choice to stalk personal growth on the steemit community." My opinion to change and grow is a powerful weapon that can help me grow and move ahead cos for anyone to be successful in any way, Decision is very key.
It actually took some days before i was approved, still in that process of waiting guess what? i started reading and watching videos for my personal development. I got to understand is mainly about blogging (writing) about what you know that will add value to the community, therefore i had to start reading and develop my self on how to blog which is not really part of me until i heard about steemit. Steemit revealed writing potential in me hahahah!


Secondly, This is what i noticed after i was approved "Set a goal to work towards" Hhehehe i know some people might be wondering that didn't i set a goal for my self in life? Of course yes i did and i'm sure everyone of us do. The point i'm trying is that it is very smooth & easy to feel stray when one doesn't have a concrete goal one is working towards. I'm pretty sure everyone of us have different reasons why we are on steemit either ro make money or for networking.

With steemit now, I always set a target by asking myself what would i want to achieve because i know action delayed would make it harder for me to identify the things i love doing.


Lastly, I discovered setting bench mark, by doing this i am proud of myself because since i joined steemit i am making progress though some people we joined together back then in January are actually faster, but guess what? hehehe It's okay remember progress is not a sprint but a marathon.

I always focus on what i can do improve myself, to keep growing socially and intellectually, moving forward one step at a time(Poco 'a'Poco). Always pace your self, do not compare yourself with anyone progress. It doesn't matter how slowly you go, what matter most is to keep going.


Steemit platform has been the best teacher for me so far in 2018 cos i have learnt about so many things.

Thanks for reading through!

@segunreus cares! aka Punky (Professional uncle no kids yet)

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