Free Worldwide Education to Solve ALL of Humanity’s Problems


Originally published at SEBASTIAN.CO

The problem: People are being taught what the government and special interests want them to learn, and not what is best for them.

Some of the problems with public education

Governments can hide and rewrite history and promote political agendas against the interests of the public, and for the benefit of special interests; they can also dumb-down subjects and mandate wasteful activities to discourage critical thinking and promote dependency; among other issues.

Public education in the U.S. consists of jail-like, vice-inducing environments, where bad employees are difficult to fire, where staff only cares about passing government exams to keep their jobs, where politicians and their friends funnel out tax-money via all kinds of “projects,” and so on.

All this systematic agenda-driven corruption results in empty vessels of left-leaning dependent individuals, who vote to expand government’s powers even further, and who are also extremely profitable to the special interests during their lifetimes (as consumers, debtors, cheap labor, patients, and so on); all as intended by the corrupt system the government and the special interests have created.

If public education must exist, it should be structured assuming people are corrupt, can be corrupted, or can be blackmailed or threatened (accounting for the human condition), and in ways that promote the well-being of the individual, the family, and the nation. They should also be run like a business, where providing quality products and services, and saving tax-payers money are prioritized. And this same approach should be adopted in all our other public institutions. Otherwise, the system will continue to work against the public, for the benefit of the corrupt.

Some of the problems with private education

In countries where public education is the standard, private education is very expensive for most people to afford. In countries where private education is the standard, private education tends to be very cheap, but still unaffordable for most, in particular those in third world countries who would benefit the most.

If third world countries had access to the best education in the world for free, they would stop being third world countries within a generation.

Some of the problems with homeschooling

Because of the purposeful destruction of the family and American values over generations by the government and special interests, it has become increasingly difficult to homeschool kids and avoid the public system.

Today’s world forces both parents to always be working, while at the same time dividing men and women (the natural American-born voting family) as much as possible. It promotes divorce by making it profitable, punishes merit in the name of “diversity” quotas, feminism, and other “movements,” leading to lower wages, lower quality products and services, plummeting birth rates of American-born voters, and discrimination against individuals who would otherwise deserve to succeed; all while at the same time importing foreign, welfare-dependent, left-leaning “refugees” who hate America, who have birth rates several times higher than the American-born population, as well as pushing for the legalization of left-leaning illegals, displacing and overrunning the American-voting base towards Socialism and bigger government; leading to higher taxes and the eventual destruction of the Middle Class who pays for this welfare and “free stuff;” leading to even more people on welfare as everyone gets poorer, leading to an even bigger government heading straight towards Communism; leading to the eventual killing of millions of people who disagree with Communism; leading to the destruction of America and everything everyone took for granted. All of it orchestrated, on purpose, by the same people behind our public education system (more on this later).

Finally, homeschooling also carries its own costs for materials, exams, certifications, and so on. And the contents of the materials are usually difficult to learn and tedious, with upsells at every turn.

The solution: A website (and app) similar to Udemy (but much better) with full education from preschool all the way to high school, for free; later to be expanded into higher education as well. Fully certified and with the highest standards in the world.

This is a project for the survival and freedom of humanity; a humanity that will not be enslaved by the deception of Communism and all its insidious means; whether it be “equality” as a weapon to destroy the individual, the family and the nation; “for your protection” to infringe on our rights (privacy, due process, etc.) and disarm us; “to combat hate speech” to censor and silence us; “for the poor refugees” to replace us and destroy us; and under whatever banner it comes under, whether it be Democrats, Progressives, Socialists, Globalists, Communists, and so on.

This is a project to empower and create the brightest individuals the world has ever seen; individuals who will create strong societies, address the human condition, and advance humanity into a new prosperous and free era where evil is unable to succeed.

  • Mission: To empower individuals to lead humanity towards a future of freedom, peace and prosperity for all.
  • Curriculum: The curriculum will use the best methods of learning, as well as the best materials to learn, while at the same time prioritizing the student’s own unique personality, abilities, and well-being. Everything will be future-adaptable, universally-compatible, easily-downloadable, easily-replicable, censorship-proof, privacy-centric, constantly-improved, and so on. It must survive governments, tech monopolies, new technologies like quantum computers, and all threats to it. The materials will also help the students develop their own ideas, interests and paths in life, whether that be in technology, the sciences, sports or the arts, where the students can also enjoy a rich social life with others who share their interests. Finally, it will be up to the students or whoever uses the materials to decide how to apply them in their lives and their communities.
  • Copyrights: Everything will be free to use for any purpose. This education is meant to be spread assuming humanity is fighting for its very own existence.

To conclude: It only takes empowered individuals worldwide to solve all of humanity’s problems—education is the key. Not the billionaire-globalists and governments who continue to sell us out to evil.

And why are people and governments cooperating with this evil anyway? Is it because they have been brainwashed with Marxist ideologies too? Do they even know that Marxism, Socialism and Communism are all ideologies created by the Jews to subvert and destroy nations? Why have the Jews been allowed to take control over our media, our education, our health, our military, our banks, our tech companies, our music industry, our movie industry, and so on? Do people working with the Jews believe that they won’t be backstabbed like they have backstabbed everyone else throughout history? Are they blinded by their own greed, power and status? Are they being blackmailed or threatened? Is everyone distracted and hooked to Jewish vices?

The Jews’ own holy book, the Talmud, calls non-Jews nothing more than animals (Yevamot 98a), and allows Jews to lie (Bava Kamma 113a), steal and kill non-Jews without punishment (Sanhedrin 57a). Their own Rabbis openly state that non-Jews only exist to be their slaves. How about freedom of peaceful religions only?

Why don’t Jews promote open borders, diverse cultures and religions, racemixing, disarmament of their population, and all of their subversive ideas back in Israel? Why are Jewish organizations flooding America and Europe with “refugees” and illegals who hate the West? How is this not open warfare? Why do our puppet politicians call Israel our greatest ally? Sellouts? Blackmail? How is fighting Israel’s wars in the Middle East and sending America’s tax-payers money to Israel to our benefit? How is this not open treason? How many false flags, wars and deception do we have to endure?

Why are Jewish children being raised to believe that they exist to rule over non-Jews? Are the Jews brainwashing each other and blindly justifying their crimes against humanity? Are they digging further into their faith because otherwise they would have to face accountability for their crimes? At what point do they pay for the dozens of millions of non-Jews they killed in the 20th century? Where are the reparation movements and lifetime pensions for the survivors and their families? Surely the Jews have stolen enough money through the Fed and the banks around the world to pay up. Is seeing non-Jews as sub-human how they reconcile their crimes and sleep well at night? At what point do Jews stop fellow Jews from destroying the world? Can the Jews only succeed by taking advantage of the kindness and tolerance of non-Jews? How is that superior? Can the Jews only succeed by dumbing-down and destroying everyone else? How is that superior? Is the one who stabs the most people in the back the superior one or the more inferior, animal-like? How is deception human-like or Children-of-God-like behavior?

And who is to say that the Jews aren’t being led astray by the devil himself into doing his bidding? Who is to say that the Jews won’t be backstabbed in the same way that they backstab everyone else? Didn’t the devil misled the whole world? How is the Jews’ behavior anything relatable to God? Can the Jews not see how far they have fallen? How they are creating hell on Earth?

From my perspective, at the very least, things are not looking good for the future of non-Jews. For starters, the Jews already control much of what we see, hear and experience in life; they’re insidiously woven into every aspect of our society, consciously and unconsciously, like a parasite, thanks to their subversive education and propaganda for generations. Furthermore, the Jews follow a value system where they can pretty much do anything to non-Jews without any punishment or remorse, since they see us as mere animals to be exploited (Yevamot 98a). The reason why “Anti-Semitism” exists in the world is because of the crimes they have committed against humanity; like being the majority of slave owners; killing over 100 million through Communism last century; and creating false flags leading to the killing of millions more as a result. This is why they’re barred entry from over 100 countries and are known as the “Masters of Lies.” The phrase “Anti-Semitism” is simply the tool they use to cover up their crimes and silence opposition. Lastly, America couldn’t be more divided than it currently is; the Jews have divided us through all means possible (sex, race, religion, etc.) so that we’re unable to oppose their subversion and destruction. We’re also approaching a point of no return, with technology like artificial intelligence, quantum computers, internet of things, drones, spy hardware/software in all of our devices, and so on. If humanity is to be enslaved, chances are that it will be forever.

Will humanity rise up in unison against this evil? Who knows… but education is key in making sure that humanity remains free from those who wish to oppress us—whether it be the Jews, the Chinese or any other group. Our freedom starts in the mind of every individual and every new generation, in order to secure a free and prosperous future for all of us.

Pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall. ― Proverbs 16:18

Goyim [(non-Jews)] were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel… Why are gentiles [(non-Jews)] needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew. ― Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef (died in 2013 and had the largest funeral in Israel’s history with over 850,000 attendees, about 6% of the Jewish population worldwide)

Whosoever disobeys the Rabbis deserves death. ― Eruvin 21b, from the Talmud

If a gentile murders or steals from another gentile, or a gentile murders or steals from a Jew, he is liable. If a Jew murders or steals from a gentile, he is exempt. ― Sanhedrin 57a, from the Talmud

All gentiles are no more than animals. ― Yevamot 98a, from the Talmud)

Jews may lie to circumvent gentiles. ― Bava Kamma 113a, from the Talmud

I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. ― Revelation 3:9

The goal of Socialism is Communism. ― Vladimir Lenin (a Jew; killed millions)

The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property. ― Karl Marx (a Jew; Father of Communism)

The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. ― Rabbi Harry Waton (a Jew)

Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy. ― Mao Zedong (top advisors were Jews; killed more than 40 million)

You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians, [they were Jews]. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the ‘Russian Revolution.’ It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators. ― Alexander Solschenizyn (survivor of Communism in Russia; Nobel Prize for literature)

Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. THE BLOODTHIRSTY JEWISH TERRORISTS HAVE MURDERED SIXTY SIX MILLION in Russia from 1918 to 1957. ― Alexander Solschenizyn (survivor of Communism in Russia; Nobel Prize for literature)

Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don’t let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas? ― Joseph Stalin (a Jew; killed more than 20 million)

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All people are six, or fewer, social connections away from each other. ― Six Degrees of Separation Theory

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