Wing Chun

As of late I have been researching and trying to find a school near me that teaches the traditional southern Chinese martial art known as Wing Chun. If you don't know what that is then you're in luck, because I'm about to tell you. First however, I'm going to tell you how I became aware of, and why I started studying this martial art. It all started about 3 months ago when I stumbled upon the Ip Man movie series starring Donnie Yen. I, like many who have seen the movies, was captivated by the beautiful simplicity of Wing Chun. I was also plagued by disbelief that a martial art so effective existed. After I finished the movies I began researching Wing Chun and was absolutely astonished at what I found. The martial art is very real, and as depicted in the movies it is very effective. So that's what began a 3 month binge of instructional videos and books... only to decide that it's impossible to learn properly without a teacher and to put the project on hold until I can find one. donnie-yen-photo-open-hand-476.jpg
Donnie Yen in the movie Ip Man

 As stated in the opening paragraph Wing Chun is a traditional southern Chinese martial art that specializes in close range fighting. It was invented by a woman to defend herself against stronger more able bodied men, hence the emphasis on technique instead of strength. Ng Mui was the nun that invented it, she was one of the legendary masters that survived the burning down of the shaolin temple. Her one wish was that the knowledge of her martial art did not get out and become popular, which seems to be the one thing that happened. little was known about this martial art until it came to Foshan where it prospered and reached almost legendary status. One legendary master from this area was master Ip Man. Ip Man lived through the Japanese invasion and the British control of Hong Kong. During that time period he taught many people the art of Wing Chun and became probably the most famous master of the art. If you are interested in learning more about him I highly suggest you research him, he was a truly incredible person.

One of the people that learned from master Ip Man, was none other than Bruce Lee. Now, it's interesting to note that before Bruce Lee absolutely no foreigners were taught the art of Wing Chun. When Bruce Lee opened up his school in California however he taught anyone that wanted to learn. This turned a lot of heads, and sparked a lot of hatred for Bruce Lee within the Chinese martial arts community. It is also believed to be one of the reasons for the legendary fight between Wong Jack Man and Bruce Lee. Over time however it has grown more popular and people of all nationalities enjoy this martial art.
WING-CHUN-SELF-DEFENSE-YIP-MAN-and-BRUCE-LEE-FIGHTERS.jpg Photo of Bruce Lee with his teacher Ip Man

The main focus of Wing Chun is the center line. This is the imaginary line that runs directly down the center of ones body from the bridge of the nose to the groin, and has the highest number of vital targets on the human body. Through years of practice students of the art learn to protect this line and also capture and exploit it on their opponents. Students also learn how to use their opponents attacks and momentum against them and in many cases how to exploit joints and pressure points. It is said that it only takes roughly two years to learn the entire system, but it takes a life time to master it. Overall this martial art is absolutely devastating, it is simple but highly effective. Anyone looking to learn how to defend themselves should definitely look into this martial art.

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