Wednesday 16 April, 2018

BIBLE VERSE: Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.2 Timothy 1:9

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picture source:pixabay

Yesterday we began this series declaring that we did not come into this world by accident and today is the final day as there something i want to share with you. There is so much good in you. Nobody is created without ability and inability. Of course, nobody is better than you, only if you can know it. The truth is that everybody is made equal. That a person is without hands and feet does not make a person with hands and feet better than him. All what determines what we are and the way we feel is in the way we think. Change the way you think of yourself, your surrounding and life will change.

I saw some pictures on the net one day that would change your life as it did mine. i saw a man with both legs amputated and yet still working hard than most folks with both legs do.. take a look at the pictures below

picture source: pixabay

picture source: pixabay

picture source : pixabay

Self criticism is not all bad. Without self criticism, you will not know the symptoms of your problem, their possible causes, and if possible, their solution. But it is wrong to be excessively self critical; the best word for this should be self-hate. It cannot be bad because you are involved. It cannot prove you are no good because you are involved in a failure. Do not think you never do anything right or that nobody wants you because you are involved. You need to come out of yourself a bit, in order to evaluate your thought better. Ask yourself whether the conclusion about your life is valid? Could there be another way of viewing the situation? Is what I say about myself, world and future really true? Is there any solid evidence for what I tell myself?

Beloved, you are a child of purpose. You have a holy calling. Take your eyes off your problem and put it in your call. Get to know exactly what God wants from you. Don't let the circumstances around you snatch away your holy call from you. God loves you and wants you to come close to Him.

You are not the worst in your world and will never be. Have you ever thought you do not have anything, and someone with a family came to you begging to borrow five hundred naira or 2 dollars from you? Did that not help you to know that there is some one you are better than even when you think you should stop the journey? Times when you think you are miserable, do you remember those who are in the hospital praying to be giving an opportunity to live in a miserable condition than your own if only they will be able to walk around as you do? If you are in the hospital, do you think of those who are grasping for air, and next minute could entail their death? You should see it as a great opportunity you have to still make amends and make necessary desicions for your life. The dead do not have such opportunity.

A popular story has it that a man decided to eat his last two bananas and die because that's all he has and he has no hope of getting any other thing. He carried his two bananas to a tree where he would hang himself to death after he has finished eaten them. He finished eating his bananas and threw the back of the banana out. He saw two men who were in the same bush he was, scanting for palm kernel to eat and survive. Immediately these men saw the back of the banana, two of them went head over heel to grab the back of the banana. This man that wanted to kill himself because he thought every other person is better than he, now readjusted. He immediately hid the rope that he wanted to kill himself with, and pretended as if he is on the tree for a good time. Immediately these men who were scanting for palm kernel went out of his sight, he jumped down from the tree and raced home.

This story simply tells us that no matter what your condition is, there are people who you are better off, who are coping up with their condition. You do not have to kill yourself because of that problem.

You shall make it. The world will soon announce your victory. I see your celebration coming up. You are wonderfully and marvellously made, too wonderful as not to be pulled down by anything. Nothing can stop you. You are the only person that can stop yourself. Do not accept discouragement. Do not allow the life you have lived stand on the way of your destiny. Stand up and be the best you can be. If you cannot be a rose on the mountain, you can be a lily in the valley. If you cannot fly, run, if you cannot run, walk. If you cannot walk, crawl. By anyway, make sure you are making advancement. Where a person that flies reaches, a person that crawls will reach. It is only a matter of time. A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits, they say. I look forward to seeing you being celebrated. Remain blessed!

Thanks so much for reading today's episode.. Your tommorow is greater than today.. please do well to check out for tommorow's episode it promises to be inspiring.. God bless you as you do

PRAYER: Father, help me to trust you to lead me on the journey of life in Jesus name, Amen

PLAN: Key into God's purpose for your life.


Philippians 2:19-30

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