Hatred : A Symptom Of Irresponsibility

There is nothing so appealing and soothing to a person than to be loved and accepted by everyone, if not everyone but at least our immediate environment such as friends and family. They should be our primary source of love and acceptance. However, this narrative isn’t always so. From childhood, a girl can be hated by her peers if she is seemingly more brilliant than her peers or if a boy have more toys than his friends, he suddenly becomes the subject of envy. This hate attitude in humans can said to be natural respond to cases or situations in which a person feels or believe he or she is inferior to the other party in worth or value as the case may be . This “hate” attitude is even heightened if the latter has a flamboyant and showy personality.


Oftentimes,a responsible student who does and submit her assignment in due time is called “serious student” or “ITK”(I too know) with hot tone of hatred and sarcasm by her classmates because they have been lackadaisical in their work. If they have done their duty diligently, there would not have been need for any sort of name calling.

Co-workers are angry and bitter towards their colleague because he has some skills that gives him an higher edge in the company which he probably got by investing time, money, energy and other resources in his formative stages when the coworkers was settling for immediate gratification and benefits. Sadly, 

This even exist among in christian circles. A believer disdains the miracle working ability of his brethren in another denomination simply because he cannot walk in those dimensions. The former “might” have given himself to another venture when the latter was investing in the secret place in which he is profiting now. The list of such real life scenarios is endless.

How do we approach these cases and heal ourselves of this disease if we are found wanting based on the analysis above?

We start by first making ourselves accountable and responsible in all the things we do from the biggest task to the littlest ones. We have it in our mind that everything we do is worth our best. 

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