Why Achievers Crash and Burn

Why Achievers Crash and Burn.jpg

Why do achievers crash and burn. You don't think they worked so hard to get ahead and then you get ahead everything I'm so falls apart you start feeling like. why what my sabotaging myself my doing something wrong well sometimes I've found over and over worked with high performers top level of fortune fifty companies Olympians major celebrities are entrepreneurs that these four horsemen come into the Cheever's life and it just pushes them out and it's like if you understand the sport. you watch out for him then you can maintain your success longer but if you get trapped in these four things you're in trouble here we go number one reason achievers start to fail is the start to feel like they have to help everybody. You know you got some success in your life and all of a sudden. Family and friends come out of the woodwork they they need some help assistance money they have new projects for you new ideas for you. they want Come true and I'll send you start on yourself spread too thin helping everybody the community comes up with it Hey could you give us some scholarships. Hey could you sign this non profit opportunity as you get more success more people want me to serve and while that's a good thing it also ends up diluting your focus and now you're trying to help everybody because you can't.You know one of the hard parts about being a cheaper is everyone looks to you for help and because you succeeded and the only reason you see these guys got a big heart your compassion for the people now you feel like you have to help everybody and you burn out you get exhausted. And you think gosh you know I used to be a really focus but you lose all that focus helping to many people. so guard out for that Are you generally help to many leod. Because it's it's an event there's a estimate is a nice fill of serving others stave fiery yourself out and if you observe inclination on your see to feat we're truly centered and now you're too dissolute sensitive.


That's where you start to fail. Because at least in the number two reason people start to fail is a loose focus your projects and your mission was this now you succeeded at it and you have other people to manage it or it just runs by itself and now you can go focus on all your other projects of passion. And now you like all women should not mention this image this list and you lose focus not just helping other people but in taking on too many projects of your own that you're excited about. Now you've got fifty hobbies you didn't have always always before. so you cheap now you've lost your focus. And you start to lose to be very cautious of taking on too many passion project in a row take on too many at is seen time. Remember If you take care of your health and and god bless gonna live a long. while Life has a way of of like give yourself time to do things I guess. I should say You know try and smack at all it just because now you have suggested money doesn't mean you have to do everything at once. Just because you have some taste of success doesn't mean now you will not have to do everything to succeed. Actually the reason you succeeded because it focused narrowly on one thing over time. So I'm not saying you can't do lots of other things I'm saying this doom slow like paste them out take on new projects do well at it new project do well. In my own life my own career what I tended to do site built one brand. when you product or service offering for my audience per year. He's everywhere really I'm just doing one thing that you. That was it you know and sometimes like right now. I'm doing things right now that I knew I was going to five years ago. But I didn't try to take it on five years ago because I knew that would lose focus from project I was working on that is like right now United sold spread sheet at home all these books I want to write if I start trying to write all of them right now. None of them would get rid.

One thing at a time and that's what made you successful the first time that's what's going to keep you on the path to success. The other property that comes to courage is that achievers guard to neglect discrimination acquirement. They gotta the ability they became lucky now they're happy they're good at it they just keep doing the same thing run the same route. But they're not training anymore they're not going to conferences and they're not exploring it innovating trying and testing the boundaries. They're not severe to get reform they honest determine at where they're at and because the settled at that skill level their achievement can hit the ceiling. The beasts to get it Bored with what made them successful so they try everything else to feel full filled up and and happy. So achievers to I'll be able to the do they don't feel the pushing this one and I'm going to push and all these other workers because these other areas bring novelty and growth. And that's what we want right not novelty to grow so we are to succeed at this I'm bored with it novelty in growth in all these other areas and this water that made it accomplished originate to lack. so beware of seeking too much not too involved in other areas get not open what you're already succeeding at if you still love that thing that you are sitting at cemex that's right. That's the last part about is the reason it was felt is because as much as they've achieved success. They never allow themselves to feel. They never amalgamated the succession so they're on this never terminative treadmill burnished out and as they sear out site less and that comes from a abode. where psychologically they never assign themselves to observe exultation and gratification or disdain or even contributions from up.. what they're doing. Everyone else recognize them as a succession but they zoar't interiorise that you knee. what I am a success. I'm good here I'm happy here I'm doing a good job I'm still charging south not right about what we need to go chase fifty new things opened it fill myself up and find some elements I'm people feel filament in the moment site integrate allow myself to feel the emotions that come from doing a good job. And if you never allow yourself to feel good. About what you've achieved. Then you'll always be on this never ending struggle to find the next new thing. And so ACheever's. Yourself some credit. But she verse take a moment to pause at the end of the night feel a sense of gratitude for what you did. The cheap burst out that's where you reflect on what you've done with your family your friends your team to celebrate and to feel and own it. so that the but the journey itself worth. why it feels worthwhile you won't abandon it feels worthwhile to keep doing it you keep climb you keep innovating you keep contributing to keep doing.I wish all Your Success Steemian.

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