Thwarted posting attempts

Hello friends! I've been trying for 3 days to post pictures of my latest adventures, but something is wrong with the system and I can't upload pictures to this site. My news feed doesn't show up, either. I hope this is just another glitch in the "upgrade", and that it goes away in a few days. Meanwhile, I will have to content myself with a photo-less blog post. I've been dog-sitting and house-sitting for my daughter and son-in-law for a few days, and have had time to explore areas of their town that I hadn't gotten around to exploring in the past 20 years. Friday I also was dog-sitting for my other daughter, who was helping a friend pack up and move. My two "grandpuppies" have never spent time together, and one of them usually dislikes all other dogs, so I had to keep them apart for nine hours. One of them spent part of the day behind the baby gate downstairs, and the other one took some long walks with me. Like I said, I hope to be able to post pictures eventually! Hope you are having a great weekend!

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