Life Gets Out of Hand

It was my intention to daily post a few pictures and tales from my Arizona trip, and probably be done by now. But: Things Happened. One day was spent regrouping, another day I had a bridal shower to attend, and the next day was devoted to paying bills and dealing with the stack of mail, plus all the rabbit trails that lead to. Monday I had two appointments in town, followed by tea with my daughter and granddaughter. Just a couple of hours later, she began to miscarry her much-longed-for next baby. And her husband was out of town on a business trip. Uh-oh.

This was her second miscarriage. The first one did not go well at all, and she ended up in the emergency room after passing out from excessive loss of blood. So I went to her house Monday evening to be with her. On Tuesday, Daughter #2 was scheduled for a surgical procedure in a neighboring city. I had planned to drive her there, but she agreed to take an Uber so I could stay with Daughter #1 and Granddaughter. A friend came to stay with them later, so I was able to get to the hospital to be with Daughter #2 just before her procedure, and was there to hear what the doctor reported afterwards. Once she was out of the recovery room I took her to her place and stayed until she was situated in bed with her snacks, beverages, prescriptions, and dog. By then her boyfriend was there to keep an eye on her, so I returned to D. #1, whose body was now getting serious about the miscarriage.

In short, D. #1's friends were very helpful with transportation and overall support, so I was able to stay with Granddaughter while someone else took D. #1 to the E.R. when it once again became necessary. Yesterday I stayed with her and took care of the toddler and fetched food and beverages as needed for D. #1. And I am still at her house today. I expect to be here tomorrow as well. Her husband is back from his trip, but has to be responsible and go to work, and D. #1 still gets light-headed when she is upright too long.

Meanwhile, D. #2 continues to be cared for by the boyfriend, and I check up on her with calls and texts. I really could use a clone right now! Once of these days I will get back to posting my trip adventures, but for now I am grateful for sufficient health, strength, and energy to help out my girls when they need me. I am also very grateful for friends/boyfriend who so willingly pitched in to lend a hand. And I mustn't leave out my husband and son, who are capable of taking care of themselves when they have to.

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