Work -Life Balance - The difficulties


Morning fellow Steemians.

This morning I am contemplating the reality of going back to work tomorrow after another round of school holidays. Now some punters out there might be thinking that I am complaining after having another 2 weeks off the day job..... But the reality is, it is very hard to regroup and refocus for another term of school.

As a job that uses mainly your brain power (rather than manual labour) it can be very draining and it is very important to find the work-life balance that is required to have a healthy mind and body.

I find it difficult as after a day at school, I then tend to need to do another 2-4 hours of work each night after my kids go to bed. Doing this on a weekly basis can get very mentally draining. This then tends to be reflected in a lack of exercise or a lack of finding time to exercise which then snow balls into being more tired (due to the lack of exercise) and late nights trying to get work completed!

This term I have decided to ensure that Thursday afternoons are my time..... That is, I leave work at a suitable time and dedicate this time to exercising. My large school has a very well stocked gym that I can access and use. I often like to get in there and do some weights and use the rowing machine, so this will be my aim on a Thursday afternoon this term.

Finding a balance between your life and work is a delicate thing and it is something that you need to find to be a well-balanced person. I find it the hardest thing to do during a school term and if I don't get it right, it impacts on the people around me the most. Sometimes I feel like I am running two lives and trying to juggle the demands of both can be very draining and difficult at times.


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