Me & Mine WORLD.. (Story of every individuals)


When you finally have the urge to lead a happy and healthy life, you certainly need some simple plans or in other words some simple routines to maintain. When you have a lot of stress, forget everything and find some space. The space that makes you the happiest. That's what i do when i need the peace of mind. Sometimes your own company can make you the happiest.

When i couldn't find something, at the very moment when i have to make myself cheerful. I simply go on a ride with my bicycle and travel through lonely roads and confine myself in the beauty of nature and site seeing.

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When a group of friends sit re-laxly together spending Fun_times .. music becomes the most common and necessary part of it. I usually spend most of my usual daily times doing music with my beloved buddies. Nothing can distract me during this period of time.

The very moment you feel the joy of spending time with either yourself or your buddies, it becomes clear to you that, life isn't that hard. Some words from a famous writer goes something like this.. THE TIME YOU ENJOYED WASTING, IS NOT WASTED REALLY. I always believe in this line and i will keep believing.

I came through this question people keep asking me all the time, and i think everybody also faced this question which is.. what's your life goal . For me.. it's just unknown.. hahaha.. funny, isn't it? i believe it's better to be unknown about your future, your goals. Because it can only make you stressful, nothing else. Somebody said it well.. LIFE IS A TRAP, DON'T FALL IN IT

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These were some random thoughts... After a pretty stressful week as i was so much busy with my life, i came to share some sort of my own story. I feel better now. Hope you enjoyed your week not like me.. and

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