Damage caused by cartoons and TV in children. (Peppa Pig)

Television has become one of the most important and relevant media in the world, it is affecting and influencing the lives of everyone more and more, especially in the lives of children...


_One of the most important systems are the media, they are a technical system that is useful to inform and entertain a certain community, among those media is "Television" one of the media with the greatest presence in all the world, and has come to be considered as one of the basic means of social communication, and as the medium that governs our culture and the values that are mobilized in it.

"The power of the medium lies in its capacity for impact, social penetration and hypnotic power, due to its audiovisual perception."


_ On television we can find many interesting and entertaining programs among them we can find "Cartoons" or "Cartoons" these terms are used to name a group of films that are made with a technique called "Animation" (or that simulate being drawn by hand) mostly of short duration, although there are exceptions of feature films that are exhibited in theaters, cartoons are increasingly seen in computers distributed over the Internet.


_The cartoons are somewhat addictive, but when children abuse them can cause a lot of damage, an excessive time of a child in front of the TV screen or the computer monitor can teach him that the way to solve certain problems of real life is act as their favorite superheroes do or as their favorite characters, since at that age they do not differentiate between reality and fiction, they are very manipulable, and much television can be a source of anxiety for the child, reduce or reduce their creative capacity , encourage aggression and encourage people to look for sensations and emotions that are potentially dangerous for their physical integrity and mental health; It is very likely that children who watch too much television at home find it difficult to socialize with other people.

It is the role of parents to monitor and reduce the time the child is in front of the screen.


_One of the most popular cartoons and tuned today is "Peppa Pig", was created by Neville Astley and Mark Baker. Premiered on May 31, 2004 on British channel Channel, the protagonist of the series is Peppa Pig, a pig that lives with her little brother George Pig and his parents (Mama Pig and Papa Pig), his main stage is his house, where Most of the plots of the series take place. In some episodes, their family is shown leaving the house, walking in a car, going to their friends' houses or being in another place.

_Despite that this series is heard harmlessly, this series can affect the character and personality of children, young children imitate everything, even their favorite character; Peppa has a slightly changing character, sometimes adorable, sometimes stubborn and challenging with her parents and friends. Some define her as arrogant and bossy others say they are normal actions for children her age, accuse her of many things, such as having pretenses of superiority with her brother and her parents, belching a lot, always being the right one, ridiculing to his brother and father, be a bad example for children.

_ A Harvard study recently states that "Peppa Pig" causes problems of social adaptation in children. Psychologist Marc Wildemberg says that those who watch the program for 80 minutes or more a day can increase the chances of developing behavior problems or social development.

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