Do you wonder why politicians favor minorities and women?

It's pretty easy, but so many people ask me this question, and so many people seem to not understand. I don't blame them. Being taught to "think" in government indoctrination camps is synonumous with just parroting what propaganda television tells them or in group preferences.


Here are the basics

Politicians and governments are addicted to one thing - namely people who are addicted to them. Without redistribution of money (also known as theft) large governments have no real function.

How else can you explain why for example the American government pisses off the white male majority calling them losers, racists and evil - while they embrace every minority group? They do that for a reason. And the reason is they don't give a shit about white males who don't need government aid (generally speaking)

Governments wants leeching immigrants from countries where you are taught to take and grab whatever you can (because in those countries governments aren't exactly known to GIVE you stuff - rather take it away from you). Now all of a sudden you're in a country where people just hand you money and free housing. Who can blame the immigrants, eh?
They also want whining women who complain and whine more than they have ever done in the entire history of the world. They have equal opportunities, or actually, they are preferred in both schools and the workspace. They are qoutaed into higher education, they take all your money, and the children if they want a divorce. They can call out rape if they regret fucking someone while drunk. And now they even focus on men spreading their legs on the subway. So much for real problems..

And of course they want the gays and LBQTHGGADH-community people, who for some weird reason welcome migrants from a religion and culture who wants them dead, preferably thrown from roofs or stoned to death, while at the same time calling white males who in general don't give a shit (because we live in the fucking West) wether you fuck men, women, plants or whack off 10 times a day to pissing sex.

Why do they want these people? Because these professional victims and leeches want free stuff. And who can provide free stuff? Governments! By stealing it from those who produce. And the more people the government have on their side, the stronger it grows -until it of course collapses. But that doesn't matter for the psychopaths who are politicians - because as long as they get to practice their psychopathy and get rich in the process, it's all good.

Just watch what's happening in the Scandinavian countries in the years to come. In both Sweden and Norway they are increasing taxation for the rapidly decreasing class of people who have work. A fast growing population of people who don't contribute, who are sick, suffer from anxiety, depression (most of it real - because socialism produces sick people) will never work. Young people are increasing the most. Stories about elders not being taken care of is more common by the day, and poor children - which was unheard of when I grew up is now pretty common.

It's like boiling a frog slowly. If you put it into cold water and slowly boil it up, the frog doesn't notice until it's too late.

What is the end goal for politicians? Nothing. That's not how people like that function. They don't care about anything other than themselves. And the sickness they are carrying spreads down into society. People generally don't care or think twice about this. They just accept it, and develop this horrific sick attitude towards humanity, themselves and others.


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