Why you should own a radio set (Disaster management tips)

A radio set - seems ancient. Think about it, though. It can be the means of connection between people who are stranded during a flood and can help pass information. Radio signals can also be used to identify missing victims. An entire community was washed away recently in Kerala due to landslides. If only they had tuned into the radio and received the timely warnings. Television doesn't always cater to such situations. A radio on the other hand gives priority to such natural disaster warnings.

I remember during the 2018 floods when we had to shift to a neighbour's house and there was no power or means of recharging our mobiles. Our only connection with the rest of the community was the radio and the news broadcast on it. It was helpful because we got instructions and were able to know the developments across the state. The radio did not require any charging and only needed batteries which we all had. it was also helpful that we bought a lot of candles earlier. Everyone was similarly affected and so, the officials themselves were not in a position to help others. Every place across the state was flooded and it still reminds us citizens of a real-time horror movie where we were the actors.


Radio sets come in all sizes nowadays. It is cheap and available in both online and offline stores. So, you can easily buy one for yourself and even if you do not use it regularly, check it now and then to ensure that it is working properly.

An emergency kit

An emergency kit should include a torch, a few batteries, a radio set, packets of biscuits, solar lamps, raincoats, energy bars, water bottles, candles, scissors, a medical kit containing emergency medications and a first aid kit, matchsticks/lighters, (if possible, satellite phone). If you can manage a bigger kit, it will be helpful to pack a small stove, rice, and spice mixes.

You must be wondering why I am mentioning all this but this is the year of the 'La Niña' So, there is bound to be more rainfall, storms, and winds which could lead to flood-like situations. It is also wise to take copies of important documents and store them in a waterproof file and also store them in the cloud.

I hope the above tips will be helpful to people reading this. Forewarned is forearmed.

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