Seasons change

The wind blows strong
The land has been watered
Monsoon is saying goodbye

The above is a haiku about the season. Time is speeding nowadays. A few months back, we the people of Kerala were begging for the rains to arrive so that there would be a respite from the heat. Now that it did, the downpours have cleansed the earth and filled the wells and ponds. I just hope that the moderate rains continue so that the temperature is cool enough and we need not sweat profusely like before.


The only lingering fear is that about the Mullaiperiyar dam which is more than a century old and has been predicted to break and wash out the state of Kerala. Some are concerned whereas some think that it is not a danger as projected. Whatever the condition of the dam is, I just hope that the authorities do something about it before a disaster.

Natural disasters may be unpredictable and unpreventable but loss of life and property can be avoided if warnings are issued before time. A huge disaster such as a dam collapse will have far-reaching consequences and the damage will be irreparable. Most people who are not directly threatened by such an incident will not be bothered much about it. The 'could have and should have' won't matter much once such a thing happens.

All this points out the destruction done by man to this planet. Excessive mining, deforestation, pollution, extraction of fossil fuels, pollution of the waters. The list goes on. it is high time, people took note and prevented further damage.

We should make sure that wars are not fought again.
We should make sure that the children smile again.
Children should wake up to smile and play and not hear the sound of bombs and guns. Let us make this planet beautiful again.

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