Lives matter

I wrote a few lines in Hindi. I hope I have done justice to the language. Please read the translation if you do not understand the Hindi language.

ज़िंदगी ऐसे ही जी रहे हैं हम
बस पूछो मत, यार
अंदर से तो डर ही लगता है
क्या हाल है इस देश की बेटियों का?

पIवन तो अब भी हमारा देश है
लेकिन जो भेड़िये हैं वे कभी-कभी बकरी के रूप में आ जाते हैं
सावधान रहना चाहिए
दोबारा ऐसी घटना नहीं होनी चाहिए


When a girl child is born, there are mixed emotions in my country. The fear of protecting her until she is married off to a good person starts right there. Then, there is the fear of paying a dowry to marry her off. Then comes the fear of raising her 'right' according to societal norms. Last is the fear of educating her because many still do not believe in properly educating a girl child.

Despite all odds, even if a girl is educated and works well, she is still unsafe. Recent events of a lady doctor being killed and many such similar stories only prove that no girl, child, or woman is safe. It is high time, the local lads are educated. Also, it is high time, that the police increase their vigilance and arrest and try to reform people who are drug addicts and have a record of being anti-social elements. Strict punishments are the only way out in countries such as ours. It is no use raising voices and screaming aloud. The government, the police and if possible the army have to enforce strict rules and make sure the country is safe not only for the natives but also for visiting tourists and other foreign nationals.

It is a case of shame that such events keep happening. I hope that someday, the youths realize that their lives are precious enough and not to be wasted by consuming drugs or alcohol.

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