Why Deciding What Not To Do Is As Important As Deciding What To Do


Do you know what fascinates me most about life? The fact that it is dynamic. All our lives are constantly changing based on the smallest (and biggest) decisions that we take and also a plethora of external factors.

There are billions of ways that life can happen from any given point in a person's life and that just blows my mind away. It also makes me realise just how important it is to take caution of what we decide to do and not do.

We generally give a lot of thought about what we want to do and how we want to do it and there goes a lot of planning in it, but I don't think much thought is given to what we shouldn't do.

I mean we can often have multiple options regarding the smallest of things in life and it is just as important to say no to a whole lot of other things, so we can say yes to the most important one.

Learning To Say No


Some people have absolutely no problem saying 'no' to things and people but some of the others really have a hard time doing that and so, they struggle to keep up with every little commitments of theirs, which of course, makes life miserable.

Plus, considering that time is a precious and limited resource for anyone, we should definitely be using it judiciously towards a limited number of things that we deem important so that we can maintain a laser sharp focus.

Focus is the key term here. Doing a hundred things is not an achievement if you are not able to do even one of them properly but doing even one thing and doing it the best you can, surely is.

That can only be possible if you learn to say 'no' to the ninety-nine other things. It sounds easy, but trust me, it is really very hard to say no to even a few things, let alone to most of the things. You may have heard of the term "FOMO". I think that's the reason behind it.

Focus Is Key


If you take a look at the life of highly successful people today or even in history, you will find that focus has been one of the major ingredients of success. We can achieve anything we want, we just have to direct our complete and unwavering focus towards it.

In fact, Steve Jobs said, "Deciding what not to do is just as important as deciding what to do" and it worked out pretty well for him because using this same mantra, he brought Apple back from the brink of bankruptcy which is today, the richest company in the world.

Imagine what we can do for our own lives if we decide that everything that we do is going to be towards achieving our end goals. Of course, I am not telling you to become a robot who doesn't think about anything else except the "mission", but I think you get my point.

I think what I am trying to say is that, we should aim to do a limited number of very important things and do them with a hundred percent commitment and yes, make sure that you add "enjoying your life" to that list too!

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