Treat Your Energy Like You Treat Your Money. Invest It Wisely.


I have always believed that who you are today, is the sum total of every single decision you have taken in your past. That is simply how it is, I believe.

But yesterday, I watched a video of a monk, that goes deeper into the concept. He says that, who we are today is the sum total of where we have invested our energy throughout our lives.

This provides another more in depth perspective and also a lesson in how we should be living this life that we got and how to make the best of it.

When it comes to money, we are generally very careful of where we spend it, because if we don’t, the consequences can be dire, but when it comes to our energy, we are not so careful at all!

Invest Your Energy Like Your Money


The thing is that, when we are using up our energies, we are actually investing it in things and people. Just like how we are investing our money in things, experiences and people.

As I said before, we are more or less mindful about money but not our energy. Our energies get filled up every morning and empties when we go to bed at night. What we do with that energy during the day is what decides where our life is headed.

Even though our energy gets filled up everyday, we should consider it as a finite resource like money. We should invest in those things and people who align with our overall goal and direction in life.

It is important not to waste your energy in things that have zero returns, something that we all tend to do on massive scales. Just remember that where and how you invest your energy now, could make a huge difference in the future somehow.

You Shouldn’t Have To Look Back and Regret


Wisdom comes with age and the older we get, the wiser we get thanks to life’s many experiences. So, we tend to look back at our past and see all the good and bad things and that is fine.

But if we look back, and all we feel is regret, I think that would be one of the most painful things because that would make you feel powerless. So, one should never conduct life in a way that you would be filled in regret if you ever revisited the past.

If you take care of your present and use your time and energy well, in the future, your past will be glorious. And that is what I really wanted to convey in this article.

That is not to say that you are not to have fun. Absolutely do that! In fact spending your energy in things and people that bring you happiness is one of the best ways you can invest your energies. But make sure that it doesn’t interfere with your overall goal.

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