The One Thing You Should Absolutely NOT Do In Life

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Do you know why we are, where we are today? By ‘we’ I mean the human race. In the beginning, we were all cave dwellers, living animal-like lives i.e. hunting, gathering, reproducing and so on.

Slowly we began doing more and started getting differentiated from the other species of the world and gradually over hundreds of thousands of years, we are now at a point where we can venture out of the planet itself and out into the cosmos.

So, what is that one thing that has led us here after such a long, long journey during which we have achieved so many wonders that are nothing less than magic and are set to achieve even more in the coming future?

The answer to that is: our human nature of never settling. That’s correct. We humans are natural born seekers and curiosity is as present in us as the cells in our body.

Never Settle In Life

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If you never settle in life, I’m pretty sure that somehow, ultimately you will end up where you want to or need to. The thing is, we all have our own dreams and aspirations and have this image in our heads about who/what we want to become.

Settling down for anything less than that is a disservice to yourself and even on all the people that believe in you and count on you. People say that a rolling stone gathers no moss but I beg to differ, I say roll around to your heart’s content because only a rolling stone can reach places.

Even if we are on a path of our own choosing and we are doing what we love, even then we should never settle down. The world keeps on evolving and it is our duty to do the same.

Don’t be scared by this fact. In fact, look within and you will find comfort because there is something inside all of us human beings that continuously wants to expand, that naturally hates any boundaries and wants to keep reaching new heights. Make this your strength and you will be unstoppable!

A Few Words of Wisdom


You know how you value something so much before you have it and how after you’ve got it, its value suddenly becomes a lot less? I’ll give you an example. Say, you dreamed about owning that new smartphone for so long and then you are finally able to buy it.

After a few months of usage, I’m sure that, that smartphone won’t hold the same value as it used to once. People say that’s a fault of our human nature but I think differently.

I think that it is OK to feel like that. It is our innate nature to keep looking for better things, to want to experience newer things in life. Is that not the reason why we are developing so fast nowadays?

This not only applies to materialistic things but to almost all dimensions of life. Be it work, or personal life, experiences or dreams, abilities or achievements, we have this inbuilt characteristic to always want more, and that’s where our edge lies.

My Inspiration To Never Settle In Life

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Ok, so this might sound childish and completely not serious but trust me I’m not joking. There are several people I look up to for inspiration and motivating myself to keep moving forward.

But perhaps no one has had a greater impact on my psyche than something that doesn’t even exist. My inspiration for never settling in life is a cartoon character called Goku, from the anime series Dragon Ball Z.

If you have watched the anime you would immediately understand what I mean. If not, let me just tell you that he is a human looking alien being that lands of planet Earth and becomes a martial art master.

Thanks to the abilities that are special to his species, he is able to become stronger and stronger and is able to reach newer power levels all the time defeating the strongest of evil enemies and saving Earth numerous times.

He finally becomes one of the strongest fighters in the whole universe and yet he is humble and down to Earth and his story, although a fictional one, is my inspiration to never settle in my life too.

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