The Hardest Battles Are Always Fought Within


One of the reasons why I love writing is because I can do a much better job of expressing my innermost thoughts than I can while speaking, even if it is just me typing away on my keyboard without stopping to think those thoughts.

I love how I can have a heart to heart conversation with so many of you through my post and the comments section. This is going to be one of those posts where I just let the thoughts flow, out of my brain and onto the computer screen. So, in case I don’t make any sense at all at the end of this post, I apologize in advance! haha!

Anyways, today I want to talk about something that we all go through regularly in our lives. I’m talking about the battle within, that fight with yourself, which is one of the hardest things to do.

Sometimes, you can be our own worst enemy and it is something that you just can’t afford in today’s world, because let’s face it, there is no shortage of ill-wishers in the world of today.

A Battle With Yourself


We all want to be happy, we all want to be pleasant at all times, don’t we? But how often is that a reality? I’m guessing not a lot. You can often hear advices like, “Just be happy. Just enjoy life and live moment to moment.”

Well, that’s good advice but is it really practical? How can you be happy when something is eating away at your heart. How can you even think about being pleasant when you have a black cloud above your head. How can you have hope when all you want to do is give up.

But then, there is also a part of you, that wants these things. That wants to hope, to be happy and to fight back. A part that keeps telling you that everything will just work out.

This is a never ending battle of two wolves inside of you. One is of darkness and despair and the other of light and hope. The wold you choose to feed, is the one that will win.

Defeat Your Inner Demons


We all have a past. We all have our baggage and our inner demons. The story of your life depends on whether you are able to overpower them or let them overpower you.

There are tons of examples in the world where people have beaten all odds to achieve great success, no matter the field. People who were at the lowest of lows are now at the highest of highs. It is such people that should inspire you.

Trust me, it isn’t easy to just wake up one day and defeat your inner demons. It takes time and patience and even if you do, they have a habit of resurfacing time and again. But remember the wolf of light in such moments and feed it. The wolf of darkness will starve.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, persevere my dear friends, and you shall know greatness and joy. As Dumbledore says in one of the Harry Potter movies, 'Happiness can be found even in the darkest times, if one only remembers to turn on the light'.

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