Life Lessons We Can Learn From Ready Player One


Over the weekend I got to enjoy an awesome science fiction movie 'Ready Player One' and I absolutely loved it. If you haven't checked it out yet, you should definitely do so.

The movie is set in a future world where virtual reality has become the go-to escape for much of humanity. It really portrays the kind of effects technology can have if unchecked, to the point where we like a virtual world more than the real one.

Anyways, the movie is filled with tons of references of video games and other movies and any pop culture fan would just love it. I hear that the novel is filled with even more though I have yet to read that one.

In this post though, I wanted to share some life lessons we can all learn from the movie.

Patience Is Key

In the movie, the main characters are shown to be the 'hunters' of the famous easter egg, hidden within the virtual reality by the game's late creator, Halliday. Anyone who finds would be granted the ownership of OASIS (the VR universe itself).

After searching for years, they are unable to find it until one day, they are set on a path to quickly gather all the clues that lead them to the easter egg and ultimately make them all co-owners of the VR universe.

Patience really is key in life and sometimes we just have to wait it out before we can get anywhere. It can get really frustrating but it becomes worth it once victory is ours.

Team Work Is Important

There is a huge focus on team work in the movie. The main character (Parzival) is the first one to figure out the first clue (of three) that lead to the easter egg, but then he needs the assistance of his friends to help him reach the end.

Together they face threats not only in the virtual world but also in the real one. And they couldn't have made it if it not for their awesome team work.

In fact, towards the end, all the players in the world of OASIS fight together against the evil corporation IOI, to stop them from grabbing the easter egg for themselves!

Be Thorough

To succeed in life, you really need to be thorough about what you are doing. You need to be a hundred percent passionate and focused and try to gather as much experience as possible. If you spend enough hours on it, you will one day become an expert.

This can be key when it comes to success as shown in the movie. It's only because Parzival was so obssessed with Halliday and his life, that he kept learning as much as he could about him, his life, his hobbies and so on.

All this played an important role to solve the clues that ultimately led him and his friends to the easter egg. If he had missed one small detail, he wouldn't have made it.

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