Even in death ☠

Even in death
Moans of passion reverberated the room, sighs of pleasure escaping a passionate lip, she writhed occasionally on her soft bed,her breasts danced under the incandescent light, while his hands travelled to her paradise below from which rivers threatened to flow. His touch flowed like the rush of current in her veins as she struggled to deal with the shock that came after each touch. He covered her mouth with his, working magic with with the tip of his fingers and savoring the sound of her voice.
Mma held the edges of the bed with her eyes shut but with her moans directing him to those secret places that sent her to another world, when he penetrated it felt like home,familiar but a pleasurable delight.
Mma turned and looked at the worried and disgusted face of her family, this act had been going on for a long time now and it was getting more difficult to control, each night they woke up to moans emanating from her room and nothing would awaken her unless the act was done.
Her partner was never seen, mama had invited a pastor who said she had a spiritual husband and after sessions of prayers assured her that would be the end but they lied...
Mma knew this was no spiritual husband,she had made a vow with Ken, five years ago to give him her body and soul forever and even though she knew Ken was buried six feet below, he still owned her even in death.

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