Difference between the RICH and the POOR pt. 3

Part 3 of this blog thread!

I told myself that this year was going to be a year of change for me. Both personally and professionally, and it's a bit of a hard realization when its already September and I’ve made little progress. So a few days ago I decided to sign up to the gym, and I've been taking photos every day to record my progress, which I've been posting here on Steemit as well. Mind you, I am a very skinny Asian so my workout routine might not fit everyone’s but hopefully my progress can inspire some of you to also start trying to change and better yourselves!


Anyway, back to some lessons and habits of the rich! So I was watching Grand Cardone training his sales team and he had a lot of valuable lessons that I thought I’d summarize and share with you.

The lesson that struck me the most was, “millionaires are just middle class people that are worried about money.” I was stunned. But what he said made a lot of sense. According to him, if you have a million dollars you can live 25 years at $4000 a month. That's not bad, but that's definitely not a life of success and luxury. Now I understand many people live with a lot less and a million dollars is enough to change anyone’s life, but for myself and I’m sure many of you out there, we have bigger ambitions and I personally don’t think I would be happy with just a million dollars. I would want the next million and the next million and so on and so forth. Its all about perspective, but in the grand scheme of things, a million dollars shouldn't be the end goal, rather a first step. So don’t just start settling because you hit a certain goal. Start aiming for the next goal and the next goal. Constantly strive for more.


The next lesson I thought was very insightful was, money is only useful if you use it. This goes back the previous lesson from my last post, but don’t just save money because its useless. To make it useful, either use it to buy something or use it to make more money! Don’t just let it collect dust and depreciate in value as time goes by and inflation goes up.

“The golden goose is only useful if it lays eggs, otherwise kill it and eat it for a chicken”

That's all for today. If you're interested, check out my workout progress and I’ll also continue to share lessons and knowledge I learn and pick up along my journey to financial freedom!

Thanks for reading guys!

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