A calm surface is exactly what Black Swans like to land on.

Almost every economic collapse in the US has started with a calm before the storm. Everyone says things are fine. Stock markets rise to all time highs. The main stream media says everything is great!

Then it happens...
Even the experts say, they didn't see that coming!
To see the calm before the storm is to see how history repeats it's self. How soon we forget the "Dot Com Bubble." How soon we all forget the pain of 2008. It was hard seeing many of my friends and family struggle and suffer, losing their homes!
The powers that be, through history, start wars to blame the manipulations and destruction of the currency. They will use what is referred to as "False Flag Operations" or "Black Swans" to stir the pot, To start a fight, to poke the enemy into reaction. These tactics are to hide the criminal theft of the peoples Money, Life, and Liberty. The title and first blog of my channel isn't what I'm about. I like to play guitar, I'm diligent about my families safety and security, both physically and financially. I love my cat, to whom hasn't showed up yet for breakfast. This isn't like him... Today I start this chronicle, This diary, this sorting of information overload that sometimes has to be put out there, to lift some pressure, to some how make sense of life, right?

It's been 3 hours and Mit (my cat) still hasn't showed up...

I have been fortunate to have chosen my timing well and now stand, out of debt, home paid off, title in hand for the old dodge truck, and I owe no one. I want you to do the same. An opportunity of a generation, the biggest I have every seen in my life or in history is fast approaching. We paid cash for our home back in 2009 for about the same as a typical 20% down payment of today. We took advantage of the housing bubble crash, and bought at the low. For the last 7 years we have been mortgage free! I lost my employment, but we don't struggle like many I see around us. My wife (still employed) has become the bread winner. I have assumed the homestead duties as my position. Stick around and learn how to spot the trends, and take advantage of them. No stock market analysis, just life analysis. ;) But, you will probably have to listen to my day to day chatter...
Yep, That's Mit, when he was but a baby...

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