Challenges: The bread for successful people


Sometimes when you go through challenging times, people tend to think those challenges come because you've offenders God or maybe you might have done something wrong, but it's important to know that challenges are not proof of errors, even though some errors can bring challenges.

It's important to recognize that success cannot come without challenges, expecting success without challenges is like expecting to get to the next class without exams or test.

One thing I learned pretty early in my life was the fact that Every problem came packaged with its own solution. You just have to look into it to get the solution out. you don't look out, you don't go somewhere else, you don't run away to solve it, no! You face it and work on it to get it done.

So don't run away from may have dreams or goals you want to achieve, don't quit because you couldn't get the money to start up, just look beyond want you see, every idea comes with resources directly or indirectly.

You don't stop looking for gold because you couldn't find it at the surface of the soil, you'll have to dig dip. The harder the ground is, the bigger and stronger your tool should be.

Don't quit school because you could not get school fees, lack of school fees should be more reason why you should go to school. I know most young people won't agree to this.

My personal story:

I've been training myself in school right from my 100 level: paying my fees, rents, buying books, clothes etc. My parents couldn't pay my fees, but I don't quit school.

I did every known legal business just to keep myself in school. I sold recharge cards, shirts, shoes, ties, and boxers. I learnt how to repair computers and play musical instruments.

I said to myself, if selling shirts don't give me money, selling boxers will, if all the clothing I sell don't bring money, computer repairs will.

Not having parents to provide was a challenge and a good excuse for me to quit school because nobody was there to pay my fees, but I took it as a good reason to even push further, so my success story will be sweeter and more impacting.

Although I got two extra years in school because I was mixing school and business, I still find joy and fulfillment inside because, despite my not so good results in school, I've been able to make other students rich by teaching them how to survive in a world where it looks like all hope is lost.

No challenge can actually bring you down. Success is a choice, don't run from challenges, eat them because you can't grow without them.


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