Scared of Responsibilities? Time to face them!

Let's admit it, The word "responsibility" usually comes off as a very scary word, almost like an alternative to a burden. As we grow older and realize there are certain things that we are responsible for and that its time to take our own responsibilities, it doesn’t sound good at all. In fact, it slowly develops into an overwhelming experience in which we want to feel like we are organized but in our hearts, there is a little feeling in the corner that makes us anxious and worries about our own abilities. Of course, the way of fulfilling responsibilities varies from person to person. However, more or less, the majority of the people face similar situations and dealing with them requires simple, easy to follow tips. Go through the following tips and in the end, I might reveal a little secret about facing responsibilities that might make you actually want to enter the stage where you can actually get some chances to prove it to yourself and the world.

Before following any tips, I want you to question yourself,
What should you be responsible for?

  • Your happiness:
    Your happiness lies in your hands. It's you who chooses to stay happy or sad. Everybody has to face certain circumstances in their lives that may not be according to what one plans or dream of. The real art of living is to accept any circumstance as a part of reality and truly own it. How you deal with situations defines your emotions and lets you stay focused on yourself and things that make you happy. So stop feeling bad for yourself and do what makes you happy, take responsibility of your happiness!


  • Your Actions:
    Understand that every action you take or every move you make in your life is totally your decision and you are under no obligation to take a step without your own will. Sometimes we are unable to take a decision for ourselves and ask others for suggestions. That is a good thing to make ones mind. However, taking suggestions and advice doesn’t mean that you are obliged to follow that. Decide for yourself what you want to follow or what you want to disregard.

  • Your words:
    Every word coming out of your mouth is your own and every reaction followed by those words is because of you. You can control your words by thinking before speaking. Honestly, that makes lives so much easier! A lot of people don’t have a good idea about how to choose words wisely. The best way is to think if those particular words coming out of the mouth are needed at that time, at that place and in front of those people. If you think they are appropriate, go on, share your opinion, be confident and own your words.



Tips to take responsibility for your Life:

1- Take a Leap of Faith:
Taking up responsibilities doesn’t mean that you can no longer take any risks in life. In fact, you will be able to enjoy them once you start believing in your guts. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should jump into every opportunity coming your way without thinking about carefully. Planning is a good way to keep yourself organized and motivated. However, not everything goes as planned, sometime you will have to take the turns that you never thought you would. Think about it and ask yourself if that makes you happy. Even if there is a slight sign of excitement, go for it! However, even if it doesn’t work out for you, don’t get disheartened. It is probably meant to be and you did what you thought was best for you at that time.

2- Stay away from Excuses:
They say that in difficult situations, people either find solutions or excuses. We all come across these two types of people and I am sure everybody would agree when I say that nobody likes the company of people who whine, complain and keep making excuses. Honestly, it makes people lose the respect others have for them. So instead of complaining, start finding solutions and try resolving issues like a responsible person.


3- Embrace your Decisions:
It is not always easy to come up with a decision for a confusing situation. The wise thing to do is to think about multiple options and their reliability. Think about the results and consequences and then come up with a decision. The important thing is that once you do come up to a conclusion or a decision, put your foot down and stay confident about it. Don’t let anything confuse you then and keep reminding yourself that it is your decision and you have thought well about it.

4- Make yourself ready:
Many people believe that you will know when you are ready for something. I do agree with that too. However, it doesn’t mean that you should keep waiting for the time when you are completely and totally ready for something. Sometimes, that time never comes and opportunities keep coming and going. At times like these, you should make yourself ready and go just go for it. It will be hard to take the decision but once you do, you have taken a firm decision, you wouldn’t want to return. You shouldn’t rely only on others’ suggestions, start trusting yourself and you will eventually start feeling responsible for yourself too!


Now that you know these simple techniques, let me reveal a little secret to you. Responsibilities may sound scary to you, but once you start facing them and keep accepting them as challenges, you will start respecting your own self. Taking up responsibilities is the key to self-love and self-respect. Try it!

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