Patience is a Virtue – Practice and Preach!

Patience sounds like a simple word that only involves deep breaths and repeatedly inhaling and exhaling or maybe some yoga and staying quiet when feeling angry. However, there is a reason for why patience is considered as an Art. There is a meaning much deeper to it that only the people, who practice, truly understand.

Sometimes, learning this art takes years of frustration, mental discomfort and lots of waiting but at the end, it all starts making perfect sense and one not only gains mental peace but also satisfaction and gratefulness even during tough situations. While it’s hard for some people to practice patience, some are born with this blessing. It is in there and shows in their body, such people become an inspiration for others without having to preach it.


What does patience really require of you?
Well, it may sound difficult sometimes to keep yourself in control and wait for what’s meant for you but I assure you that at the end of the day, it’s a good feeling and you WILL BE SATISFIED. Let me make it easy for you, here is some guidance to make you understand what is required of you to be patient. Try it out for yourself!

Grow a Plant:
I want to start off with some exercises that really helped me in understanding the deeper meaning of patience and finding peace with life. Honestly, I don’t know the science behind it and I don’t even know if this is an actual trick but what I do know through my experience is that growing a plant is one hell of a task that requires love, care, patience, nurturing all at once!


I have always been fond of nature and its features, plants and particularly cacti really attract me. I started growing my own plants with my grandmother when I was a kid. I am and will always be very thankful to her for that. Digging up the earth and sowing seeds and then seeing it grow every day made me so fond of life. I would wake up every day only to run off to see how big the leaves had gotten and how tall the plant looked. In the beginning, the process was so slow that it disappointed me for a long time. I would sit on my lawn for hours waiting for it to show but it took its time. At one point, I was sure that it was dead inside and it wouldn’t come out. Me being an impatient person gave up on it and started finding other interests.

I guess that’s how human nature is, too impatient to wait for the fruit. So did my plants ever grow out? Of course, they did. It was a beautiful feeling and I can't describe how happy it makes me see my new plants come out till date. Seeing them grow and then seeing the vegetable form its color and form is an amazing experience. How does it end? Well, I will leave this experience to you. More so, because-because it’s such a beautiful experience and took me some time to let them grow at their pace and also-also die at their own pace. Grow out vegetables, flower plants and fruit trees in your garden and share your experience. Don’t forget to notice the calmness and endurance of your soul.


Stay Quite When Angry:
Now let's get to the hard one. Stay quiet when angry! It sounds easy. But it’s one of the hardest things to do! First, let me clarify that there is a difference between staying quiet and not stating your opinion where necessary. There are situations where you need to speak up for the better and for the sake of your right. However, it's for you to understand where you are really needed to share your opinion and where you need to observe more than talking. A lot of times, we say things in anger that we have to regret later. It is recommended for such cases to stay quiet, take a deep breath, think about it, calm yourself down and then say what you want to, but only if you really think that it would make a difference. Eventually, you will feel enriched and your soul will be at peace when it becomes your common practice.


Listen, Discuss and Share:
Many times, a discussion becomes an argument and an argument becomes a fight. We have all seen and felt that at some point in our lives. We do want to discuss a particular topic but unfortunately, we are not ready to accept any sort of criticism or listening to a different point of view. We take it as a challenge to prove our point right even if we are falling short of logic.


Do you know what all is missing in this scenario? It's patience. A patient person always listens to different points and throws in his/her own points and loves to learn rather than proving themselves right. So the next time you sit in a gathering, start a conversation and try listening to everyone without losing your temper even if it doesn’t make much sense to you.

Trust me, you can make your life so much better by practicing patience. You will be amazed at how you will start looking at things differently.

Give it a try and share your experience, I'm sure everybody can learn something from the other. Your journey might inspire many. Start today!

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