Which Is Better? A Church Wedding or Court Wedding? (It's about my cousin's wedding)


This is one of the most memorable day of our cousin but someone ask him why court wedding why not in church? Really, none by itself is better than the other. Whether you should have a church wedding or a court wedding depends on what you want for your wedding (and what you can afford). That’s a choice many young people who are preparing for a wedding may have to make. And in making that choice, it helps very much when they have adequate information on the options available to them.

A contemporary wedding ceremony is the final stage of a process of marriage by ordinance. In Ghana, the ceremony may be held in a church or a court or other marriage registry so authorized. The wedding ceremony comes after the couple have met the requirements for marriage by ordinance and have obtained a registrar’s certificate for marriage.

Church Wedding

  1. A church wedding, just as the name implies, is held in a church or a chapel.
  2. It is a religious as well as a legal procedure
  3. A priest, pastor or reverend minister officiates or performs the marriage ceremony.
  4. The service or ceremony may last a few hours
    It may be a simple wedding or a very elaborate one, depending on how the couple want it to be and also on how much they can afford to spend.
  5. The couple may decorate the chapel as beautifully and lavishly as they can, according to their taste for that special occasion.
  6. A church wedding normally has enough space to accommodate a large number of wedding guests, the families, friends of the bride and groom.
  7. The father of the bride may walk her down the aisle as the wedding march is played
  8. Bride and groom march to wedding recession to cheers from family and friends
  9. There will be a bridal party, including a best-man or men and bridesmaid(s)
  10. The couple may choose the day when they desire to have their wedding.

A church wedding decoration

Court Wedding

  1. A court wedding is held at the marriage registry at the law court, the registrar general’s department or the district/municipal assembly office.

  2. It is a civil, legal procedure.

  3. A public officer may officiate at the ceremony. In my cousin's wedding it's our municipal mayor who officiate the ceremony.30516738_1713098122088653_1073382884993138688_n.jpg

  4. It is very short, and may last for some minutes only—about 10 minutes; the couple may be one among many other couples waiting their turn to be married on the same day at the registry.

  5. The office is small, so the bride and groom and their four witnesses are just all the people needed for the procedure.30531322_1713145185417280_8655077241446727680_n.jpg

  6. No special decoration of venue is required.

  7. No wedding march; there’s no music most of the time.

  8. No special dress or attire is required as in church wedding.

  9. There are per-determined days for officiating weddings.

  10. It is really simple and inexpensive

Both options issue the same marriage certificate in the end. If one couple had a church wedding and another had a court wedding, both couples would have the same kind of marriage certificate.

We hope this information is helpful to you. If you do let us know; and if you don’t, let us know as well. Should you have any observations of a church or a court wedding which you think are helpful but are not enumerated above, you may suggest that by writing in the comment below. We’ll be glad to hear from you.

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