Betrayal Is a Beautiful Way to Save You From Sadness


Anyone would not like it if they were betrayed, anyone would not be happy if their beliefs were mocked, and anyone would not be okay if they were lied to.

But one thing you must remember when you are betrayed, that Allah will not bring you evil if there is no good with him.

So the point is, don't take the betrayal that happens to you as a bad fate, so that your heart's condition doesn't get worse.

Because true betrayal is a painful way to save you from more severe pain, then you are still grateful.

Even though it is true that it is betrayed, it is really painful, but still, whatever sorrow you are betrayed, from it you can still learn to never apply that way.

From the unkind nature of someone who betrays you, you can learn to never be a traitor in any circumstances.

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