Quick update, How to Stay Positive and Live to 100!

Hey Steemit friends, just wanted to post a quick update since its been a while since my last post. I have a lot of exciting things in the works and should be getting back to making awesome guitar videos very soon. I would also like to start posting some lessons, so if you are a beginner guitar player or have anything you want to learn more about, just leave a comment below!
I am currently in St. Augustine, Florida enjoying these amazing views from my porch! I really love being at the beach and swimming in the ocean, nothing is more refreshing! IMG_1279.JPG
Here is a picture of my amazing great grandma (GG Ma). I am posting this because she will be turning 100 in about two weeks! It is really incredible to have known her ever since I was a kid. Every year she comes down from Pennsylvania, and spend about 3-6 months with us in Florida. It is a blessing to have grown up with her. She is probably the happiest person I have ever met, and a daily inspiration to be thankful and stay positive in life. Her secret to living to 100 is oatmeal for breakfast every morning, a glass of wine with dinner, and STAY ACTIVE. This lady has walked three or more miles everyday for as long as I have known her!

I hope you guys enjoyed this post, and don't worry, I'll be back to making some more videos ASAP! ✌🏼

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