Putting Beliung Aceh Timur, 2 Kiosks, 5 Poles of PLN Tumbled


Hello everyone, steemit's allied friends are all happening today. A tornado hit the Asan Tanjung Village area in Nurussalam, Bagok, East Aceh, Monday (08/06/2018) at around 17.00 WIB.

Information obtained by Aceh Satu.com, due to the incident, at least two kiosk units were destroyed and 5 PLN poles collapsed to Banda Aceh-Medan State Road.


Interim reports, due to the incident two kiosk units owned by residents were destroyed by a tornado, and 5 units of PLN poles collapsed onto the State road.

Until this news was reported, traffic flow from two directions still occurred. According to the information, there were no casualties due to the disaster.

Efforts to anticipate traffic flow, the Police of Nurusslam Police have conducted security at the location, and the PT. PLN is carrying out repairs to electric poles.

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