Does the world need another blog?

Does the world need another blog?

Yes! And particularly here, particularly now.

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This is in part a rant to myself and let me explain why. I suffer from not believing in myself. From thinking that everybody else’s view point is more valid than mine. Why? Because they wrote about it, blogged it, shared it. I think making a post propels humanity. Whether good or bad. And I think this is also two fold posting on Steemit. Blockchain technology. Using Steemit is propelling humanity in, what I think, a good direction.

There are tons of reasons to why I feel inadequate when it comes to sharing my opinion. I can’t let that slow me up anymore. In part because I benefit greatly from reading (or skimming) other peoples posts. And I’m certain people will benefit from mine. This really has been a couple year journey of attempting to start one. My first wordpress site was a flop. I had an idea-

but the scope was too big for me to maintain, and enjoy the process.

My writing at the time was very cerebral. Which is fine, nothing against that. But what I really needed to do was express my heart. Which is an intensely scary thing for me. It’s my safe place. I felt like if I open that door, people would come in and trash the place. So I was hiding being intellect (…well, “intellect” can be used very loosely here).

This is my introductory post. The beginning of my journey to get to the heart of why people post and blog, and share anything with and internet full of strangers. Because we all need each other. We need to glean from the ideas that resonant with us. This is was propels us. This is what propels humankind.

Thanks for reading.

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