The Problem With Problems

People get themselves into trouble because of an unconscious limitation. If the problem were conscious, then they’d have solved it just by thinking about it – as we do with countless problems every day without realising it. 


  1. The Solution that people try to apply to their problems are often a bigger problem in that they create a context that allows the problem to be maintained, when otherwise it would just naturally fade away. Ironically the more they try to “solve” the problem, the more stuck they get.
  2. The reason that the solution can maintain a problem is that solutions are often Ego-driven, which means that we try to compensate for an unmet need (i.e. a state!) It causes us to make faulty conclusions like: 


  • “I’ll be happy when I have a new house” 


  • The formula “I need X to be Y” or “I’ll be Y when I have X” is the wrong way around. The truth is that “You’ll get X when you are Y”. You’ll find it a lot easier to creatively solve the problem of getting a new house when you are happy – because positive states generate infinitely better decisions than negative ones! 

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