Life Lessons From our own Life!

We all have some story of misery. We somehow manage to get out from that after a while. But one of the hardest things about dealing with our life is remembering to practice what you've learned from our misery, when we was frustrated and tempered. Most of us can not remember that, observe that closely or don't take this seriously. If we can understand how helpful this is may be we will write down the moments!


Getting different motivational lessons are very easy but learning from it, practicing and stick to that is a toughest job. But some tips can be helpful to deal with this normal human aspects!

Keep an eye on what we feel when we think to give up. This is so much helpful to point out what lesson we are getting from our life, why we can not fight any more and why are moving on to something else?

Another way to know our life lesson better is observing what it feels after getting bad treatment. Yeah, it feels terrible but we have some deep inner feeling towards it. We should learn to understand that.

If someone or your whole life treat you badly that does not mean you are a bad guy or your world is ending. May be there are thousand paths you still can discover to make yourself a better fit in. But as I'm saying before everything, we should observe closely what message our life is giving through a single tiny event. If we fail to get that we will see ourselves in the same hole over and over again.

It's not actually that hard. Just a little practice to remember our last event which make us feel bad, what let us to not get success and that's it. We are ready to deal with what comes in the future.

I hope it helps a bit!

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