
Very long!!!
images.jpgA big dream of mine has always been to start a new country. So yes I'm a big dreamer and its impossible to do it on my own. It has to be a group effort, that's the point (as you'll see). I doubt I'll ever see it come to pass in my lifetime. But it's not about me, it's about a desire to see all humans living a life of dignity, freedom from big government (and banks aka the scum of the earth) and experiencing being human to the fullest in excellent health and liberty. And who knows, maybe posting my thoughs here is a way forward to accomplishing that.

So how would we start?
We would need land of course, which would need to be purchased. So we would need investors to buy into the idea. Maybe we can get land cheap, like desert land that can be terraformed and reclaimed (another dream of mine). Desert land could be free if the owner country likes what we gonna do there and leases it for free!? We would be very beneficial to our neighbours...There are a lot of expenses involved, i understand. But let me dream man!
After initial investments the country would need to be self sufficient and create its own wealth. The primary way I would do it is through farming as it ties in so well with so many problems in the world. You are literally growing wealth ! All the surplus food and wares could be traded for usefully materials and equipment. There would be no need in the beginning for anyone to make any money as there is no bills to pay no rent etc. You can get something much greater than money. You get your name recorded in the history of the country as you accomplished xyz. And those people should be publicly praised and recorded in published books.
On personal wealth.
I don't think personal saving should take place, there is a community and infrastructure to build. Every cent should be spent to improve the lives of everyone. Nobody gets "money" , they could get credits they have earned that month or week for the work they have done. The more Wealth they make, the more they can contribute. That wealth then goes towards improving what already exists or to expand. Or towards buying new materials, equipment etc. But the owner of those credits gets to decide on what those credits gets spent on. So their work and money is their vote and a form of their iinfluence. Keep in mind that spending would still need to fall in line with whatever projects are on the cards and voted for by the community.
As for voting, I think having gatherings are important because they provide a much needed social interaction among the community (again, counter culture, you have to keep social elements alive!). But sometimes these gatherings can become heated and confrontational. People start shouting over each other and some important factors may not be heard, what a waste of an opportunity to move forward with a radical solution from that one person. One solution to this can be an internet forum, where the entire populous says their say and those with clever solutions get upvotes, then those solutions come to the top as the clear winner. And also the data is recorded. So embraceing tech is a must. But at the same time not forsaking the gatherings. This is a model of how a new society could be managed. The facts are looked at and changed when they don't make sense. This can and should be a group effort. There is no shame in not having the most perfect solution to your own idea ! Incorporate others ideas to build a better solution for the benefit for everyone

But seriously. Say somebody studied for years to become a microbiologists, because they love that and it's their forte. Compared to somebody who is totally unschooled and is maybe just a general labourer. Is it fair that they received the same benefits ? are they not both human and thus equally important members of society. I believe all human life is sacred and nobody can say they are inferior. There is no room for pompous and arrogance. look at Einstein for example. He was brilliant. Did he make a lot of money , idk maybe. But he was humble and enjoyed simple things in life. He didn't build himself mansions all over the world... Hoarding wealth is so illogical, it stunts everything including your personal growth. Humans need to break free of that greed mentality. Again I think the cultural reformatting will solve this to some degree. We do after all have our human nature and we get greedy. But we have a planet to save, deserts to replant and and a failing lack of humanity to restore. Is it so much to ask that a group of people set themselves apart (and their wealth) from the rest of the poorly run world ? Doing so would start a revolution in the way we live, perhaps across the whole world. Without stress and debt. Debt breeds war and war breeds more poverty ...etc
On wealth hoarding. In this ideal society (now keep in mind the state that the world is in) there should be no hoarding. With a successful group of citizens there will be plenty for all and everyone would be able to indulge in their interests after a long day. All the wealth that is created needs to go back into the system to move ahead. Into bringing more people Into the system building homes, planting food, medical, entertainment etc.
Your "wealth" is your status in the society. Sure , a great science team receiving praise from solving a massive problem compared to cleaners not getting any recognition at all would possibly breed discord among citizens. But that's how life is and we need to accept that there is always gonna be someone better than you

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