Dinky 163 Bristol 450 Sports Coupé. 1956-1960.

Dinky 163 Bristol 450 Sports Coupé. 1956-1960.

I don't know a lot about this model, except it is absolutely beautiful and one of my favorites.
The condition is fantastic and its hard to believe its 60+ years old.
All this was before computer aided design and it must've took craftsmen weeks to get the design and molds set up.
The job wasn't over then, as the paint and boxing up was all done be hand.
How is it possibly in this condition after all these years?
I've included some pictures of the factory and some of the original blueprints used on some models after the last pic of my model.
Dinky models were the best in the world, but the end was in sight as the new kid on the block, Corgi, was advertising theirs with the slogan "The one with windows"
It'll never catch on.


Dinky Factory, Liverpool UK

WhatsApp Image 2018-02-21 at 3.46.42 PM.jpeg

Factory drawings used to create these models

WhatsApp Image 2018-02-21 at 3.46.42 PM(1).jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2018-02-21 at 3.46.42 PM(2).jpeg

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