How To Cope With Aging Parents


Are your aging parents driving you nuts??
What happens when your dad or mum clocks the age of 65?
When they start forgetting things ?
This are some few steps on how to act and talk with them

They get to forget things due to Alzheimer.

ALZHEIMER-Which affects some older people, is different from everyday forgetting. It is a condition that permanently affects the brain. Over time the disease makes it harder to remember even basic stuff like how to tie a shoe.
It is important to know that Alzheimer disease does not affect kids. It usually affects people over 65years of age.

Control your temper

Sometimes you feel like shouting at them. But you must not forget that they are your parents and must always respect them even though they are annoying in their old age.

Be quick to realise the changes

Your once quiet mom who doesn't like repeating words now says same thing five times ,your once strong dad has started to struggle with carrying a bucket of water.
Of course your heart aches and temper rise to see your aging parent in decline, and you want to be supportive. But let be honest sometimes it is really, really hard not to be irritable and impatient or even to explode in anger. But we have to learn to live with it everyday patiently

Be understanding

When you lose your anger with your parents, don't berate yourself for being a bad daughter or son.
You would find it easier to be patient with a elderly stranger than with your parents and that because you've always seen your parents as strong and perfect people
But you'll have to understand them for they've trained you since you were a child and all the hard work they did was so you'll have a good and comfortable life


Even though you are right and they are wrong, just accept their story
Don't argue
Mom just asked you.. "have you washed the dishes "
And you replied yes, and 30minute later she still asks again, and asks again an hour later
It all part of the old age
Don't shout at her .
Learn how to easily say SORRY for every Little mistake you cause .

We will all grow old someday and I'm pretty sure you'd wanna be treated with respect and patient even if you get to repeat same question five times
Surely you'd want your children to treat you same way you treated your parents in their old age.

Image from Pixabay

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