Motivational Action

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If the reason you are not taking action in your life is because you are not motivated, then
you should want to find out why. If you aren’t motivated then ask yourself who benefits
by your inaction, it is certainly not you that is for sure. The answer is simple, nobody benefits from your inaction, and you have nothing to gain from being inactive.
If you aren’t taking action or if you aren’t motivated is it because you are lazy? Do you
have negative beliefs, (If it is because of negative beliefs you will want to overcome these before you can ever hope to move forward in life). Is it because you have no direction, or any goals? If you have already made a list of the goals you need to do to create a new future for yourself, then you already know what you want, and therefore what it is you
have to look forward to in the future if you start taking action now.
Depending on what you believe about yourself now, and for the future will have a large
impact on your motivation and consequently the actions you take. People rarely take action if they don’t believe something good will come out of it, either for themselves or others. If you are limited by your negative beliefs you will also struggle to take action, and will certainly not be as focused as somebody who has positive empowering beliefs.
After all why would anyone take action if they continually told themselves what they did wouldn’t get them the results they wanted? Generating thoughts about not making it or telling yourself it will never happen is utterly pointless, where would the world be if everyone who had an idea or a vision for something talked themselves out of it as soon as the idea came into their head?
It may sound simple but if what you are doing isn’t causing you to take action then stop and do something else. If on the other hand you are someone who already has set goals and who has a clearly defined vision then you should already be excited about what is to come in your future, don’t get side tracked by losing focus or listening to your negative inner dialogue, this won’t help you.

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