Should parents be involved in a fight between children and friends?



Should parents be involved in the quarreling of their children and friends?

Hi, Steeemian, how are you? Hopefully always healthy and creative in the work.
Every child will definitely need friends. But certainly not always smooth in friends, right? Let alone children, adults sometimes disagree with friends. So, it is natural to see a child fighting with his friend.

Parents join the war

Maybe the reason for a child fight is more trivial. Only because of fighting over toys or can not accept defeat in a game. Sometimes just because you mock one another or say something unpleasant can also cause a fight. But not infrequently their quarrels led to tears and physical contact.
When crying then he complained to parents. If the parents are provoked by their children, the parents will attack their friends. if a parent of a child's friend doesn't accept it can be a cause of contention between parents because he doesn't accept what happened to his child. Especially if you see his child has a wound on his body.
Parents feel the need to intervene to defend their baby. They want to avenge the pain of children. Of course there are things that can be understood when the sadness of seeing his child hurt by a friend. Which parent would have the heart to see their child hurt?
There definitely isn't any!
When you see your child fight with a friend to cry, let alone hurt papa or mama would not have the heart and want to defend him.
In fact, if parents want to be patient and are not involved in quarrels that are preceded by children's fights, it will be resolved well.
Then you should undo the intention of bullying your child's friends or even bullying their parents. This actually makes the child more independent.

Defending, making the child feel victorious.

Quarelling in children is normal. When fighting they are trying to convey their emotions. The emotional condition of the child is still unstable so he does not understand what tolerance is, addressing problems, and maintaining good relations. Naturally, if he is still very sensitive and easily provoked emotions.
However, the day after they had a fight, they would get along well again. Just look at the quarrel that happened not to make children not want to be friends anymore.
When fighting with friends, he is actually practicing his social intelligence. How he must face problems and learn to budge.
So during their fight is not dangerous, parents should just observe from a distance. What must be considered is that they do not fight with those who hurt the child because of their fight to cause physical contact such as hitting each other.
If you see a fight has led to a fight, immediately calm and reconcile them. Remind to return to playing together and forgive each other
Even though children are victims, we must not defend them directly and scold them. Parents must not defend without knowing what really happened. This will adversely affect the psychological child. Defending a child in front of a crowd will make him big-headed. While his friend, By admonished, felt ashamed and could cause resentment.
Thus my writing this time may be useful for all of us

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoy it

Bahasa Indonesia

Perlukah Orang tua terlibat dalam pertengkaran anak dan teman-teman mereka?

Hai Steeemian semua bagaimana kabarnya? Semoga selalu sehat dan kreatif dalam berkarya.
Setiap anak pasti akan membutuhkan teman. Namun dalam berteman pasti nggak selalu mulus, ya kan? Jangankan anak-anak, orang dewasa saja kadang berselisih paham dengan teman. Jadi, hal wajar saat melihat anak bertengkar dengan temannya.

Orang tua ikut berperang

Mungkin alasan pertengkaran anak lebih sepele. Hanya karena berebut mainan atau tidak bisa menerima kekalahan dalam sebuah permainan. Kadang hanya karena saling ejek atau mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan juga bisa menyebabkan pertengkaran. Tapi tak jarang pertengkaran mereka berujung tangis dan kontak fisik.
Saat menangis kemudaian ia mengadukan kepada orang tua. Jika orang tua terhasut oleh anaknya maka orang tua akan melabrak temannya. jika orang tua teman anak tidak terima bisa menjadi penyebab pertengkaran antar orang tua karen tidak terima dengan apa yang menimpa anaknya. Orang tua merasa harus ikut turun tangan membela buah hati masing-masing.

Sebenarnya, perlu nggak sih Mama ikut campur ketika Si Kecil bertengkar dengan teman?
Orangtua mana yang tega melihat anaknya disakiti? Pasti gak ada dong! Ketika melihat Si Kecil bertengkar dengan teman sampai menangis, Mama pasti nggak tega dan ingin membelanya. Sebaiknya urungkan niat Mama, karena hal ini justru membuat anak semakin tidak mandiri.

Kondisi emosional anak masih labil sehingga ia belum paham apa itu toleransi, menyikapi masalah, dan menjaga hubungan baik. Wajar jika ia masih sangat sensitif dan mudah terpancing emosinya.

Ketika bertengkar dengan teman, ia sebenarnya sedang melatih kecerdasan sosialnya. Bagaimana ia harus menghadapi masalah dan belajar mengalah.

Maka selama pertengkaran mereka nggak berbahaya, sebaiknya Mama cukup mengamati dari jauh.

Agar Mama tidak khawatir, beri pengertian pada Si Kecil untuk segera meminta pertolongan jika ia dilukai.

Emosi anak kecil yang masih meledak-ledak kadang nggak bisa ditebak. Bisa saja pertengkaran mereka sampai menimbulkan kontak fisik seperti saling pukul.
Ketika anak Mama bertengkar dan posisinya adalah sebagai korban, hindari menegur temannya di hadapan banyak orang.
Sama halnya jika Si Kecil ternyata bertindak sebagai pelakunya. Jangan memarahinya di depan teman-teman.
Hal ini akan berdampak buruk pada psikologis anak. Membela anak di depan orang banyak akan membuatnya besar kepala. Sementara temannya yang ditegur merasa malu dan bisa saja menimbulkan dendam.

Demikian tulisan saya kali ini semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua

Terima kasih telah membaca postingan saya. Saya berharap anda menikmatinya

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