Time Keys & Quantum Communication...

One of the the most difficult - and critically-important - lessons I’ve learned: how to contain conversations.

Gauging when and where to put boundaries on what to share and not to share with whom.

Turning on the senses to determine what is and isn’t appropriate to go into at different times in different contexts.

These lessons didn’t come easy.

Rather, they mostly came through mess-ups.

Through saying too much, too soon, at the wrong time, to the wrong people.

In my youthfulness, there were many different things I was learning about, going through, and excited to share. But regardless of what brilliance I may have been opening up into, there was an idiot side to the savant. And often, I lacked the social intelligence to match my enthusiasm level for what I was exploding with where others were actually at.

Many times, I rambled on on tangents, oblivious to how far off I was with really connecting and communicating at a level that amounted to an impactful, meaningful experience of value-exchange.

Much time and energy, I wasted. My own, and others.’

But, I didn’t know any better.

Some lessons, you have to learn through trial-and-error.

The older and wiser I’ve gotten, the more I’ve grown to see the priceless scarcity and value of time.

Having spent so much on empty, confusing, distracting, impotent words, I’ve come to see the benefit of saying/writing less.

So as to jam pack maximum quality into minimum quantity.

Conveying the essence of an idea as succinctly, powerfully, and simply as possible.

There may be millions of directions we could take ourselves - and our readers/listeners - in while writing/speaking. But without limits, we may run out of time and energy before communicating what is truly most important to share in a given moment.

Life is meant to be lived.

Not spent eyeballs glued to computer/smartphone screens.

With information overload looming, the greatest gift we can offer others - in these worlds of social media, especially - is the honorance of their time. Or in others words: ensuring our communication is rich in substance, well-worth the time invested engaged in reading/listening.

There are so many things that have already been said, which really don’t need repeating.

And there are many discussions which may simply be better not had at all.

Ultimately, we need boundaries.

We need to resist engaging in petty dialogues that burn energy rather than cycle it upward to create more (if ascension in the game is the aim).

To play at the higher levels requires greater degrees of skill in energy & time management. Skills in quantum coding - multi-dimensional processes, within which the use of language is one.

We are spellcasters.

Each offering of words, a spell. A coding script, the blueprints of a program.

Without restraint, we may do far more damage than good, directing others’ attention and focus counterproductively.

With consciousness, we may serve others through invitation into perspectives and spaces in which their expansion is accelerated into the realization and thriving in Their Supreme Being, by reaction of the frequency of light imbued in the message.

With consciousness, we serve others in perspectives and spaces evoking the realization they’re A Supreme Being, as a epigenetic consequence of the frequencies transmitted.

But we gonna go back to parroting opinions now...?

And you can put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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