Should I Follow My Dreams? YES!

I got an email today and it really got to me ...

The guy in the email really opened his heart out to me.

I am 41 with a young family and mortgage and I am studying project management while working full time as a project coordinator.

The business where I work has a bit of a staffing issue, meaning there's not enough of us and the customers get frustrated with the constant missing deadlines. The pressure is intense.

I can't help but wonder what it would be like to chase my dreams. I mean, life doesn't go on forever and I don't want to let my dreams go to waste otherwise I feel like I haven't lived any part of my life on my own terms.

I feel almost like a prisoner ... too dramatic maybe, but I feel trapped in what the world requires me to do to get ahead in the rat race.


I could have been this guy. I actually got an email from an old school friend the other day who was turning 50 next year, living with his Dad and working night shifts at the local supermarket. I feel like crying when I get these emails.

He also asked me about writing children's books ...

Follow your dreams

I can offer him advice but, importantly, I can't offer him any hope. I told him that whatever he wants to do, he should do it.

Publish that damn children's book. It might not work – but wtf? At least you'd have tried and you learn a ton by trying and failing. And then you start again, and you fail again, and you learn even more. Until one day you start making money on the side.

And then a bit more money. And then a bit more.

Until you leave your job and live your dream. That's what I did.

Love freedom more than money

I never had a good job. I was never successful at school or at work and that was of great benefit. Because the bar wasn't raised too high for my business!

Cut down expenses to a minimum – it makes business success so much easier.

Business is hard. Don't make it harder by wanting to be rich.

What do you think?

What would you say to this guy? What would you say to my 49 year old schoolfriend who's living with his Dad?

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