I've been an anarchist all my life and not known it. (Part 1)

Next Friday, May 26th at 8 pm I will be 50 years on this planet. I was born back in the year of our lord 1967 during the summer of love. It's not until recently that I have discovered that I have been an anarchist my entire life, all 18250 days.

From an early age, I was different, I was not a normal kid. In the area were we lived we were known as the Adams family as we were all weirdos, each one of us weirder than the next.

There were 5 of us, myself, my mother, father, sister and stepbrother each one nuttier than the next and each as a story worth telling.

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For me it all began back in the summer of love, in the year of our lord 1967, it was a nice summers evening, I popped out at around 8 pm, official records are a little hazy as I was born at home, a home birth as was my sister Wendy (aka Alice) 4 years earlier.

My mother was not fond of hospitals or doctors which run in the family.

My father always told us to keep away from doctors , hospitals and the medical profession in general as once in their hands your a goner and as of time of writing he is 86 Years old and has managed to keep out of their grasp for nearly his entire life, except for a cataract on one of his eyes ( which actually the operation destroyed his eyesight in that eye) he has never been to a doctor or a hospital and as far as I an remember has never even visited anyone in a hospital including his dying girlfriend and even my own mother.

My mother and father were a real odd pair the only connection they had was alcohol. He was a genius and she was as thick as a plank a very stupid woman but was very street wise, cute and cunning with the heart of a lion.

She faced many situations which not even a huge strong man would face and she only 4 feet 11 inches tall. One time I was changing a gas cylinder in front of an open fire, I punctured the cylinder, gas started to escape, she ran, got in front of me, there was a huge bang and a wall of flame covered her. I was safe, she took it all.

The neighbours ran it and were banging on the door, my mother went out, opened the door all burnt and said. Mary, it's ok, nothing wrong all is ok and got rid of them.

Her legs were badly burnt but she did not go to the hospital, (my father was out with his other family as he usually was). She blistered up, a horrible sight I can still remember it to this day. (we knew nothing about treatment or to even pour water on to stop blistering ), finally, after 2 days she went to the hospital where they wanted to call social services and the police as the burns were days old.

As always my mother lied to keep the state out of our lives.

Growing up for myself and my sister was anything but normal my father and mother were not only anarchists but professional alcoholics so life in the household was insane, to say the least, nowadays, of course, it would be totally different we would have been whisked off into state care never to be seen again most likely.
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My father was the opposite to my mother, a real coward would never look anyone straight to their face. He never married, he never drove a car, never owned a house, never paid tax, there Is actually no record of him being alive except a birth certificate and later in life a passport.

He hated religion, the church, stupid people, most people actually. He told us (my sister and I) You two were just accidents and that if we wanted money to go and work as he would not leave us a penny and he did exactly that. My father does not even own the shirt on his back.

Back in the 1980's the tax man caught up with him. The tax man was shouting at my father in the street "I'm going to get you" My father called him a "poisoned dwarf" and asked him "why you taking this so personally".

My father never did stress so once the tax man started after him he signed the business over to my sister (LAW FIRM) and let her take the headaches.

He was awarded a scholarship coming in the top 5 in Ireland back in 1943, his brother came 1st and their best friend 3rd.
They were a very poor family

TO BE CONTINUED in Part 2 ............................

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