Quotes, Notes, and Women #48 - Josh Billings

Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.
-Josh Billings

Wouldn’t it be nice if we were all born attractive, healthy, and intelligent?

Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Life will throw bricks at your head in all forms.

Disability, stupidity, cancer. All shit cards that some of us get dealt.

With most things in life, you have two choices. Bitch and moan. Or get up and win.

If you’re not the smartest, work the hardest. If you have no legs, use your mind. If you’re not the most attractive, have the best personality.

There’s a yin to every yang. A positive to every negative.

Use the positives, change or forget the negatives.

Until next time,


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The Last 10 QNW:

Quotes, Notes, and Women #47 – Oscar Wilde
Quotes, Notes, and Women #46 – Confucius
Quotes, Notes, and Women #45 – Frank Zappa
Quotes, Notes, and Women #44 – Anton Chekhov
Quotes, Notes, and Women #43 – Friedrich Nietzsche
Quotes, Notes, and Women #42 – Michael Jordan
Quotes, Notes, and Women #41 – Happy Independence Day Americans!
Quotes, Notes, and Women #40 – Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Quotes, Notes, and Women #39 – Kyrie Irving
Quotes, Notes, and Women #38 – Alexander Pope

Whatever you need, gather it. Whatever you want, chase it. Whenever you can, give it back.

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