4 This Unique Tradition Exists Only in Aceh, You Do not Find in Other Areas

Unique Traditions of Aceh, Not Found in Other Areas

Good afternoon all friends. This time I will give a little information about the unique culture of the people of Aceh who have been used as inheritance down. Curious about the information? Well, let's look at the following explanation.

Did you know that every region in Indonesia has a unique and unique culture? So is the case with the province of Aceh. The majority Muslim community of Aceh also has a unique cultural tradition. However, these cultural traditions highly uphold the religious (religious) values ​​of Islam, as Aceh is dubbed the Serambi area of Mecca, because the Islamic values ​​of Aceh are still very strong. Here are the unique and distinctive cultures of several areas in Aceh.

1. Peusijuek

Peusijuek is one of the customary rituals or processions in Acehnese culture. This tradition is usually done to ask for salvation, peace, and happiness in life. The Peusijuek tradition is one of the traditions that have existed since ancient times, and is still practiced today. This tradition is usually done in almost all the customary activities of the Acehnese people, such as customary weddings, traditional celebrations, thanksgiving and other traditional ceremonies.

In the language of Aceh Peusijuk consists of two words, namely peu and sijuek . If examined further, peu in the word peusijuk is not a word that can be separated because the peu here is forced as a prefix for the word sijuek. Sijuek means cold, so when combined with the prefix peu, it means cooling or making something cold. The real purpose of Peusijuk is to bless something that includes praying for people to dipeusijuk. In a broader sense, Peusijuk is a procession undertaken on certain activities in the life of the Acehnese people, such as Peusijuek in the marriage concession, circumcision of circumcision, when there is someone who wants to leave the pilgrimage, peusijuek animal sacrifice, peusijuek home or new vehicle and various other ceremonies that often occur in Aceh society.

The Traditional Function of Peusijuek

In the culture of Acehnese society, the Peusijuek tradition is basically functioned to ask for salvation, peace, and happiness in life. However peusijeuk function is also divided into several types, such as, Peusijuek meulangga (during the dispute), Peusijuek pade bijeh (start planting rice), Peusijuek place height (inhabiting a new house), Peusijuek peudong rumoh (build houses), Peusijuek kaurubeuen ( when sacrificing), Peusijuek vehicle, Peusijuek pilgrimage, Peusijuek circumcision, and Peusijuek marriage.

In general, Peusijuk usually done by people who are somewhat old and respected is usually called the Tengku . Tengku is a name for religious leaders. Peusijuek equipment consists of: one fruit tap, padee breed (rice) a bowl, bu leukat leukat (yellow sticky rice) a large plate with tumpoe (baking cake made from flour and banana) or red coconut is often called the core u (core coconut), teupong taweu (water-mixed flour), on sineujuek (cocor duck leaf), on manek mano (leaf type), on naleung samboo (a kind of grass with strong roots), glok ie (hand wash) , and sangee (hood).

2. Kuah Beulangong

Beulangong or large pots, is the name for a large cauldron whose diameter size can reach one meter. Inside the large container, cooked goat meat with a mixture of banana or jackfruit. Then mixed with spices from the typical Aceh herbs. Firewood burns beneath this big pot. Beulangong gravy is actually just beef or goat cooked in a large pot, then eaten together by the community.

People in rural areas, especially in Kota Banda Aceh and Kabupaten Aceh Besar, are still carrying out these activities for generations. Beulangong sauce will also be encountered during the festive time at the community house, whether the wedding party, thanksgiving, and when praying for the deceased.

3. Kenduri Blang

Kenduri Blang or kenduri jak u blang (festivity before planting the morning) is one of the customs and culture of the community before the rice fields. This tradition has been in existence since the time of the people of Aceh when going down paddy fields or entering the rice planting, which aims to invoke prayers for the safety of rice crops of all pests and diseases. In addition, kendang blang also aims to ask Allah SWT. in order to get abundant harvest.

Typically before the feast is eaten together, the village head provides guidance that is allowed or a prohibition (abstinence blang) to the public in attendance. This tradition is still done by the people of Bireuen, North Aceh, and other areas in Aceh.

Well, that's the information about the unique culture that made the tradition down from the people in Aceh. Therefore, from now on love our own culture do not apply the western culture so that the tradition culture does not disappear as the times progress. Hopefully the above information can be useful for all of us.

4. Meugang

Namely the tradition of eating together with family, relatives, and orphans.Usually this tradition is held at the time of welcoming the coming of Ramadan, the feast of Eid al-Fitr, and Eid al-Adha. They cut the goats, cows, chickens, and ducks.Number of animals cut up to hundreds.Tradisi already existed from the era of the sultanate of Aceh, and survive until now.Every family will cut the animals and cook it to then be taken to the mosque to eat together sama.Melalui Tradition Meugang this Aceh community fostering a sense of brotherhood between each other.

Reference source :
Rosita. (2010) . Kenduri Blang, a Tradition to Be Saved . Accessed on November 10, 2015 from www.jkma-aceh.org
Hanafiah, Junaidi. (2015). Kuah Beulangong, Tradition of Togetherness of Aceh Community . Accessed on November 10, 2015 from http://www.sinarharapan.co/ , lincep.blogspot.co.id, www.google.com

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