11 Inspirational Blogs That Will Change Your Life


“I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value.”

  • Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha

It is true that optimists, or positive thinkers, are at an advantage in life compared to pessimists. This is because of the effect your mindset and attitude have on everything we come across. Our social relationships, our job and also our health are an integral part of our daily life and we can feel how negative and positive thoughts can have a domino effect on everything we do during the day.

The way we choose to think, positive or negative, has a great impact on the final outcome and is mirrored in everything we do. Hence the importance of having a balanced outlook on life.

Tiny Buddha

"As long as you feel pain, you're still alive. As long as you make mistakes, you're still human. And as long as you keep trying, there' still hope." - Susan Gale

Lori Deschene founded Tiny Buddha in 2009 with the objective of providing a valuable resource and reference for happiness and peace. Personal stories about mindfulness, spirituality, social relationships, personal development and meditation are shared by readers of all ages from all over the world. As Lori underlines, Tiny Buddha is an online community made by people to help the others by sharing their meaningful wisdom.

Frank Sonnenberg Online

“Moral character is the DNA of success and happiness.” - Frank Sonnenberg

Frank Sonnenberg is a multi award-winning author and business expert with great experience in marketing communication. His blog, Frank Sonnenberg Online, arises from the urgent need to reawaken people’s commitment to character, values, and personal responsibility. To this end, Frank addresses many interesting subjects related to leadership, communication, networking, self-help and life balance.

Think Simple Now

“Success, in life, is most easily measured by the number of days you are truly happy.” - Eric Edmeades

“Chief Happiness Officer” Tina Su started Think Simple Now back in 2007 as a personal mission to spread happiness, positiveness and compliance in everyone’s lives. Nowadays, her blog is a personal development community enclosing lessons, epiphanies and real life stories of authors from over 200 countries. Their aim is to aspire to find inner clarity and to increase the awareness of what makes life beautiful.

Peace Revolution

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profundity. Kindness in giving creates love.” - Lao Tzu

The Peace Revolution blog takes its name as homage to the respective organization that strives to bring about world peace through inner peace and to disseminate this positive state of being with people around us. The turning point in this process of sharing good thoughts and mindfulness is ourselves and this why it is important to focus on self-development. Meditation, life wisdom, inner balance and healthy eating mark the beginning of a peace revolution.

Positively Present

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” - George Bernard Shaw

Positively Present was launched in 2009 by author, blogger and designer Dani DiPirro to share her perception of living a positive life. As the slogan reminds, the blog strives to be a source of “Positivity, awareness and self-love” with the purpose of inspiring people to live a happy present life. Present is the starting point and the destination for filling life with positiveness.

Success Consciousness

“The person who sends out positive thoughts activates the world around him positively and draws back to himself positive results.” - Norman Vincent Peale

Remez Sasson’s vivid interest for positive thinking, self-improvement, spiritual growth and inner peace are the pillars of his 15-year-old and ever-growing blog - Success Consciousness. After having studied personal development topics for most of his life, Remez started Success Consciousness to guide people towards positive thinking. His blog and books have helped thousands of readers lead a happier and more successful life.

The Change Blog

“Let go of the past and go for the future. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined.” - Henry David Thoreau

The Change Blog was founded in 2007 by Peter Clemens to share his process of personal change from rough times to the happiest phase of his life. The website soon became a community blog, where people publish stories about their exemplary life experiences with a particular focus on personal change. The Change Blog now counts approximately 1000 helpful stories of inspiring writers from across the globe.

The Positivity Blog

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” - Winston Churchill

Journalism major Henrik Edberg created The Positivity Blog in 2006 to document and to share what he has learned from his constant “work in progress” personal development process. By taking a page from his decade-long experience and greatest achievements, Henrik has developed The Positivity Blog as a place where people can get started to build a better life. Sociability, simplification, productivity and self-esteem are the keywords to begin with.

The Applied Neuroscience Blog

“NeuroPositivity is what results when you increase the growth and stimulation of neuropathways in the brain that control positivity. We can liken it to a positive state of mind, but it really goes even further. It is a positive state of being.” - Dr. William Larkin

The Applied Neuroscience Blog is written by Dr. William Larkin of the The Applied Neuroscience Institute. Dr. Larkin illustrates the importance of what’s good and virtuous in psychology, hence the name of the NeuroPositive Method. Studies reveal that focusing on strengths and talents is more effective than getting hung up on weaknesses and negative symptoms. The Applied Neuroscience Blog answers many questions about positive psychology with unique and constructive information.

Advanced Life Skills

“You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.” - Deepak Chopra

Jonathan Wells founded Advanced Life Skills to teach people how to attain their objectives by making positive changes in your core beliefs and by eliminating inner disharmony. In his blog, Jonathan reveals that the key to success and achievement your goals is a sense of peace and well-being within yourself. Advanced Life Skills focuses on personal progress and fulfillment by working on emotions and internal harmony.

Get Busy Living

“Your life didn't just happen by chance. You didn't hit some lucky or unlucky streak. The results you achieved came from the choices you did or didn't make.” - Benny Hsu

Benny Hsu is the author behind Get Busy Living, which he started 5 years ago. Benny’s blog arises from his desire to live a normal life without necessarily having a conventional job or career to dictates his daily routines for the previous 40 years. By providing valuable and inspirational tips, Get Busy Living aims at helping and inspiring people to live a happy and “epic life”.

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