Power of our own words

Power of our own words 

In my first small article, I would like to focus on the psychological issue how we sometimes limit growth and achievements ourselves. In fact, this case is pretty simple and first thing which could help is just to think about it. The problem is not in our words, they are just result. Important cause is our thinking process behind them.  

I watched, met and heard several motivational speakers, who are focusing on verbal motivation when they were trying to persuade people to repeat phrases like “You can do it” “I will do it” “Nothing is impossible” etc. Someone could find this helpful, but in my view, this needs a lot of commitment, endurance and struggle to make it work. 

From my experience, much better way, which I have been using at trainings, coaching sessions and also during chat with my friends, is to think about everything we say. Because once we say something is impossible, or we can`t do it, there is a long process of perception and experience which affected our beliefs that really limits us from achieving progress or higher goals. 

I will use some examples from daily life. 

 1. When you see someone very attractive and charismatic and you tell your friend, “he/she will never talk to me, I am not interesting for him/her”, in the moment you say that, it will become true. But not in the general way, just for you personally. Because once you said that he/she would never talk to you and you are not interesting for another person, your next actions will be affected with the process behind your words and your behaviour will be focused to make your own belief work.  

2. When your colleague asked you to help him to finish the project until this evening, and you knew, it is 15 o`clock at that moment, you would tell him probably: “I am sorry I can`t, it is not gonna work…”. And you would be probably right, because once you said that, from your point of view it was true and you wouldn`t help him, so It wouldn`t work. But if you were really interested and instead of automatic reaction asked him what he really needed, how could you help him and how many tasks did he need to finish, it would extremely change lost situation to possibility and you both would probably find some solution how to finish the project that day. 

There are a lot of examples, I hope I chose comprehensible two. I am interested in your experience and opinions to this topic. I am sure all of us have had some moments when we accidentally limited ourselves, because process in our head made us to.   

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